II. The Rest Of Me (Eunseom and the Ago Tribe)

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"If you're not gonna eat that, I'm eating it," Ipsaeng snatched the roasted chicken leg on Dalsae's grip before he could even react and then hastily went back to his seat.

"Hey!" Dalsae grumbled as he watch Ipsaeng from across the fire, devouring the meat to its bones as fast as inhaling. "You are such an annoying person, do you know that? That's my last piece!"

"You're not even eating it. You're just holding it with your dirt-stained hand," Ipsaeng countered matter-of-factly, pointing the moistened bone towards Dalsae. Some meat particles flying out of his mouth as he chew and speak at the same time.

"I was holding it because I was gonna eat it,"

"No, you weren't. The meat was getting cold in your hands. Do you even know how weird the taste gets when its cold?"

"Come here, you thief..." Dalsae jumped over the fire to get to Ipsaeng but the cunning man sprint away before Dalsae could even grab ahold of the loose ends of his shirt.

Eunseom, who has been quietly watching his friends quarrel by the side, only shook his head at their childishness. The sight of them insulting each other over some silly things wasn't new to him anymore.

He was poking the burntout logs with a stick while his eyes followed the two as they run around the grassy grounds like little kids. A small smile unconsciously drawing on his face. He couldn't help but be reminded of when he and Dalsae and their other Wahan friends were still so young back in Iark. Good old times, it was.

"Those two idiots again. Tsk tsk tsk," someone said from behind him. He turned to find Tae Maja, Miroosol and Tachoogan. Each of them carrying a bunch of freshly chopped logs on their hands. They set them down just a few paces away from the fire and then settled themselves on the vacant wooden blocks around the warm blaze.

"I swear if they're not gonna stop doing that I will throw them out of Ago grounds," said Tachoogan while shooting them dagger eyes.

Tae Maja smirked at his words and added, "Dalsae is a grown up man both physically and mentally. I don't understand how he can become so silly whenever he's around Ipsaeng." His tone was more casual when he speak of it than Tachoogan's.

Miroosol— who was sitting on a block beside Eunseom's— look over to him, but he was now looking at the sky. The corner of his purple lips slightly curving up. She followed his gaze and as if on cue, she spotted a shooting star travelling across the vast graveyard of unknowns. Quickly, she recited a wish on her mind. It was common knowledge to make a silent request whenever you see one, but Eunseom didn't do it. He was only looking at it until it faded into darkness.

Miroosol has become bothered at how unusually quiet Eunseom was. She brought one finger up to him and then poked his arm with it, distracting Eunseom from whatever it is that's on his mind.

"Inaishingi," she called. Eunseom turned his head to her, mentally flinching at what she just called him. Inaishingi. Ago Tribe's hero. It's been quite a while since everyone here started calling him that but the title still felt too foreign to him.

"Are you not feeling well?" she asked with a hint of worry in her voice. Tae Maja and Tachoogan turned their heads to him when they heard Miroosol's question.

"Oh?" "Are you sick?" They both asked in unison.

Eunseom's eyes quiver at the sight of the three with their concerns transparent on their faces.

"N-no," he answered. "I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you look like something is bothering you. What is it, Inaishingi? Perhaps you should retire for the night?" Miroosol insisted and the two guys nodding in agreement.

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