The Journey

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  A week has passed and Audrey convinced Aria to go to Paris early. "This will give you time to spend time with Marius," Audrey explained as she packed Aria's suitcases. She begrudgingly got into the carriage to the go to the docks as Philip secured the suitcases in place for the trip. Audrey, Philip, and Jean stood in front of the manor to bid her goodbye. Aria waved back and shook her head.

When she got to the dock, the driver took her belongings and placed it on a ship she will take to France, where another carriage awaited her to take her to the countryside of Paris. When she arrived at Marius' manor, it was nightfall and the gentle breeze eased her as she stepped out of the carriage. "Ah, mademoiselle," Marius exclaimed, walking towards her from the door with his arms open. He gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. "Bonjour, Marius. It's good to see you," she shyly smiled. She looked up at the manor and noticed how significantly bigger it is than hers. There were big windows and she could clearly see the magnificent  chandelier hanging in the foyer.

"Enjoying the view," he joked. She moved her gaze to Marius,"something like that. You're manor should be considered a palace with how spacious it looks." He chuckled and took her hand to lead her inside,"you should see the inside." She laughed and followed his lead. Once they got inside, she was met with a grand foyer with a stairway that has one stairway going to the right and one going the opposite direction. In the middle was a family portrait. The white tiles on the floor made the red carpet from the door up the stairs stick out more. The railing was gold. She looked up saw a gold chandelier hanging.

He pointed to the right," in there it's the dining room and there's a door to the kitchen through there." He pointed to the left to another set of doors," over there is the parlor." Aria just nodded to this information. He led her up the middle stairs,"which way first." Aria looked at the stairs to her left then to her right,"let's go to the right first," she answered.  Marius nodded and led her up the right staircase. Once they reached the top he pointed down the left of them into a hallway," The farthest door on the left is my room and across from it is my study, that's where I usually do my writing. The door next to my room is my washroom and across from that is my music room where I compose music for future operas." He turned to the other side of the hallway and were met with railing on the right that can over see the foyer and set of doors on the left. On each end of the hallway there were large windows with small tables that had plants for decoration. "That single door is another washroom and those double doors are to the ballroom. Would you like to see it?" he asked. Aria pondered and agreed. She opened the doors and saw a big dance floor with a stage on the left. She looked up and saw a grand chandelier. There were many windows and a balcony with stairs that lead to the garden outside. She looked around with amazement.

"The only reason this manor seems so grand is mostly because this one room alone takes up a lot of space," Marius jokes as he noticed her awe. She looked back at him and smiled,"this is amazing Marius. It's exactly what I imagined you would have. Though I will miss the old manor." Marius sighed and thought about their childhood," ah, of course the old manor will always hold a place in our hearts. We used to chase each other in mother's garden and she would get so upset with us." Aria giggled at the memory,"she made Victor give us a lecture about how we would ruin her flowers." Marius bursted our in laughter," that stupid brother of mine. I hope he's taking care of that manor with respect. I'm rather fond of that place. He's coming to the ball, so the three of us could catch up."

Aria sighed," that would be great." Marius took her hand again," let me show you your room." They walked down the stairs and up the opposite side. He turned to the left and pointed down hall, repeating his actions from before," the two doors on the left are bedrooms and the third door down there is a washroom." Across the rooms was railing just like opposite hallway. They turned to the other side of the hall," the farthest door on the left is your room and next to it is a wash room. The door next to that is a closet. The double doors across from your room lead to the library which you are free to access at anytime."

Aria couldn't stop smiling and immediately hugged Marius," thank you so much for your kindness. This really is amazing and I'm so proud of you for your play." Marius laughed and hugged her back," well my servants put your belongings in your room already. If you need anything I will be in my study." He kissed her hand," I bid you goodnight." She curtsied and have him a thankful look. He walked to the other side of the manor and left Aria alone.

She went to her room to unpack her things. The room was big with a a window that leads to a balcony. In front of it was the bed, which was a good size with lavender lace curtains around it, right now it was tied open to the bedposts. The bedding was the same color as the curtains. Across from the bed was a fire place and next to the fireplace on both sides were plants. There was a vanity and matching chair on the left of the door and in the corner, next to the vanity and plant was a changing screen. To the right of the door in the corner next to the bed was a closet. Across the room from the vanity was a chest to store things and a full body mirror hanging over it framed with gold. To the right of it was a desk with a chair. There was a small chandelier on the ceiling. Aria jumped in the bed and decided that is was time for bed.

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