Girl meets Texas Part 2

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"Brother and sister. Riley and I are brother and sister now. What does that even mean?" I ask Zay and Ari. "I mean I know I don't like her like that but still brother and sister is just weird."
"What does anything mean out the mouth of a girl? I mean, I used to tell Vanessa, clear as day, "Vanessa, I'd buy you a house, and I'd be yours forever, and I'd buy you ice cream," you know what'd she say? "I don't want you to buy me a house, I don't want your ice cream, and I don't like you." How am I supposed to understand that?" Zay replies and Ari giggles quietly making me smile.
" I understand it" Farkle says making Ari laugh and I wrap an arm around her shoulders.
"Whoa. Gentlemen, look how lucky you are. You treat 'em right." Pappy joe says as Riley and maya come out.
"Thank you Pappy joe" Riley says.
"I've considered myself lucky since the moment this one said yes to being mine almost three years ago" I say looking down at Ari smiling widely.
"I see why you get homesick for Texas sometimes, Lucas. I never knew that the sky had this many stars. You know what else? I don't get nervous when I'm with you anymore. We're doing the right thing. Ah. Remember when we couldn't even say "hi" to each other? Remember how we'd go, "hi." "Howdy." "Hi." Remember? Now watch this. Say "hi" to me." Riley says making me slightly uncomfortable. I mean we were like that but that was mainly cause I felt weird I loved Ari and Riley was so obvious in liking me, that I felt weird talking to her about some things cause I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.
"Hi" I say stiffly my arms still around my girlfriend.
"Hi, Lucas. What up, brah? What's up with you, man? You good? You cool?" Riley respond weirding me out more that all I can say is "Hi" 

(skipping the rest of the conversation because it's really long)

"And we're all gonna go spend our first night in Texas... what should we do?" Riley says after that weird conversation.
"I've been reading about Austin, and they call it a music city. They call it the live music capital of the world." Farkle says
"That's absolutely what we should do. Show them the town and listen to some music." Zay says.
"Yeah! Anybody good playing tonight?" Ari asks coming up behind me.
"If I was a young buck trying to impress my friends, I might suggest chubby's famous barbecue pit. Always good eats, always good music." Pappy joe says.
"But barbecued foods aren't good for you" Farkle says.
"Let me tell you what ain't good for you" Pappy joe
"You're not gonna do anything to me because you know I'm a New York intellectual and you don't want to be a cliche." Farkle says.
"Uh oh" I hear Ari mutter causing me to smile slightly.
"Lucas, fetch me my shotgun" Pappy joe asks me.
"Okay" I say moving.
"Lucas!" Farkle yells
"Okay I reply again.
"Okay, I'll go to chubby's, I'll eat your food, I'll listen to your music, but don't expect a changed Farkle, hombre." Farkle says as everyone starts moving.
"Coming with us?" I ask Pappy joe as me and Ari wait.
"Appreciate the invite. I'm extremely busy" he responds.
"Bye Pappy joe" Ari says kissing his cheek as we walk out and I smile knowing that he loves her even if he won't say it.

———— at chubby's————

"While I understand barbecue is not your thing, Farkle, you do seem to have found a new appreciation for our hometown cuisine. " Zay says
"More." Farkle growls
"Easy, cowboy. You need to calm down." I reply
"Oh, I have to calm down? They make a big deal out of you riding a bull for four seconds. Well, I ate him." Farkle replies
"Im guessing barbecued food isn't as bad as you said?" Ari questions giggling before Riley and maya walk off and we continue talking.
"Hey huckleberry we dancing or what" Riley asks when she comes back over.
"Actually I do believe I promised my babygirl a dance. Ari?" I ask standing up.
"I would love too" she replies smiling back at me.
"I missed you, ya know" I say once we're on the dance floor
"I missed you too so damn much" she replies.
"You wanna go on a late night ride tonight?"
"Yea. Just like old times. When you were gone, I'd go up our trail up to our spot just to feel closer to you" she says
"In New York is go up the roof of my apartment building and I'd look up, if your high enough you can see the stars, I'd look at them and I just knew that you were here looking up too. Helped me feel more connected to you." I say smiling at her as I stop dancing and just wrap my arms around her and kiss her.

His Texas Girl// Lucas FriarWhere stories live. Discover now