I couldn' t do it

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Hey erin please talk to me please I'm her for you what is wrong. " what wrong jay!! "What wrong jay is that you knocked me up! Erin what are you talking about. Jay I'm pregnant! I'm pregnant. Erin I'm going to be a dad. No jay your not I can't have a baby right now I can't be a mom. Erin I'm her and We can do this. No jay I'm not ready I can't have this baby I made my choice. What chose Erin? I'm made an appointment for tomorrow night. Erin your going to kill our child our little gurl or boy come erin think about this please. No jay I have made my chose know I really want to be alone and with that jay left in a pissed but also sad mood.
Erin or jay did not get much sleep that night. Jay walked up to the bullpen to see erin at her desk hank had to go to a conference so they had the say day to do paperwork and what ever after that Erin was in charge when hank was no their and by the look on her face she her head   was completely somewhere else at the moment. Erin had gotten up and walked into the locker room to get her stuff she had move the appointment up said she was in charge for the day. I followed her into the locker room to try to talk her out of this.
(Erin jay conversations)
J: Erin please don't do this we can get through this together
E: no jay I can't be a mom right now ok it bring up to many memories and I just can't jay ok I made my chose and if you want to end our relationship I understand and with that Erin left.
Another Erin and jay conversations
J: I go to erin apartment after work to see how she doing even though it kills me to know what she is I still love her and I always will love her. I got to her place and no one answer so I knocked again and again and she finally answered the door.
E: what do you want jay
J: can I come in please not her to fight I'm her to support.
E: come in
J: Erin just want to let you know that when you are ready i will be her for you and I'm not leaving you I love you and I will always love you so no matter what happens I am here for the long-haul.
E: I didn't do it jay
J: what your still pregnant
E: ya I could do it I say our baby and heard it heartbeat I just could not bring my self to do it after hear it.
J: ok so are you going to keep the baby
E: Yes jay the one thing I really can't do is carry this baby for 9 months and then just give it up I'm going to have your baby but jay I really can't do this alone I just can't.
J: hey your not going to i will be her every step of the way you ok with me staying the night
E: ya I would love that
J: do you know how far along you are
E: ya I'm 12 week witch mean I conceived the baby about a months after we started dating .
J: but you just started feeling sick and throwing up
E: no I have felt off and have thrown up a few times but I just chalked it up to me not feeling well jay
J: ok are you ok erin
E: ya I think I'm just scared I don't know if I can do this jay I don't know if I can
J: I just look at erin how is completely sobbing at this point. Hey it going to be ok I'm her for you. Come on let go to bed
E: ya
I walk into the District and Platt pulled me into the spare office they had down there." Erin what wrong you have been off for the past few days and don't tell me it nothing and if you do I will tell hank. "
Tell hank about what? You and jay know what is wrong with you. Platt I'm p-p-pregnant and I don't know what to do. Is it jay? Ya I told him two day ago and I was going to end the pregnancy but I couldn't. platt I'm not ready to be a mom I'm scared.At this point I'm cry again and platt just hug me and tell me that it is going to be ok. Platt please don't tell any one please I need time to figure this out please. Ya no problem erin I got you. With that I walked out of the office and upstairs to see jay in the brake room. Hey how are you felling jay say to me. Ok the morning sickness has got worse but I'm ok. "Ok so I didn't ask last night but we have to tell him hank jay say." No jay we can't please. "Erin your 3 months pregnant and you are starting to show a little he going to find out one way or another you can't hid form him for 9 months and what are you're going to tell the team It's going to be ok I'm her with you but you have to tell your dad Erin he will understand jay say. Jay I'm can't . erin come on we are in this together I believe in you. You can do this.
(In hank office)
J: hey Voight can we talk to you
H: at the same time
J: ya we need to tell you something but before we do I want to say that me and Erin have been dating for a few day now and I truly love her it she is truly terrifying and she doesn't need you to Yell at her or me right now she just needs you
H: Jay I will deal with the hole date thing in a minute erin kiddo what wrong
E: h-h- hank I'm I take. deep breath because I'm an crying so hard. Hank I'm p-p- pregnant. I'm so sorry we did not mean for it to happen.
H: Erin stop and breathe take a seat. Your pregnant
E: ya I'm sorry
H: it ok I'm not mad I'm her for you is that why you left all day yesterday
E: ya I went to go I choked on my words
H went were Erin
E: I went to get an abortion but I could do it
H: and I'm glad you didn't.  It's yours?
J: ya
H: ok kiddo you can always come to me and I'm glad that you decided to keep the baby and I am ok with you guy dating On One condition. Jay you don't brake her hart she has been through enough and she needs you trust me I see the way she look at you and Erin love you with everything not to mention the fact that if you hurt her or her baby I will buried 6 feet under understand.
J: yes sir I will be their for her no matter what.
H: ok now Erin  it's pretty obvious you've been crying all day long it's pretty obvious that you haven't got any rest so I want you to go home and Get some rest and relax and remember that you are here for you and that you are not alone in this and that you will be a Great mom and jay you go home with her and keep her calm and make sure she get rest for her and the baby I'll see you next week kid
E: Hank I'm ok I want to work
J: I know but your dad is right you have not slept since she found out erin. I'm her for you I'm not going any ware so let me take you and be their for you and our baby.
E: ok I love you jay
J: I love you two bye sarge
E: bye dad and thx for everything
H: go get out of her I love kiddo
(AT ERIN APARTMENT) jay and Erin
J: hey how was your nap
E: ok
J: how are you feeling truly
E: I'm just really scared I can't seem to calm my nerves
J: hey that what in her for come her. I'm going to hold you until you fell safe and not scared about 15 minutes latter Erin was more relaxed, that I've ever seen since she found out. Hey you hungry.
E: ya can we order pizza
J: ya sure thing
E: we finished eating our pizza and it was about 9:45 at night now jay and I both were getting pretty tired so we went to bed.

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