i gave you my heart

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Arackniss and I headed to our dad's headquarters. It was some abandoned building that our Pops kinda just got into. We ran into the building quietly. Most the guards were easy to take down since they all seemed to kinda like me. Arackniss took 'em all out swiftly, but getting pass the main hallway to Pop's office was a whole other ordeal. Pops had a bunch of guards, the best ones, and security cameras. It was gonna be difficult to get in. Once we did that, we kill the fucker, and I take his place. Arackniss didn't want to be head honcho, and I wanted it bad. I wanted to make sure I had eyes on Alastor and Molly at all times. Arackniss had me stay back, and he went into the vents to kill our dad. I stood behind to distract the guards. How exactly?

I kicked a table down. "Come and get me fuckers!" All the men looked to me and I got to shooting, using my new found shield for coverage. All the exhilaration and excitement coursed through me. None of the bullets would kill 'em, but it gave Arackniss time to do what he had to do. I shot with my top arms, but got bored. I kicked down the tablet and used all my arms. I was getting trigger happy at this point. Eventually I worked my way through and got to my father's door. I kicked it open. Arackniss looked to me and smiled.

"Ready to deliver the final blow?" He threw me Pop's pistol. My Father looked to the two of us in fear.

"When ain't I?" I got to the table and shot. Thankfully we borrowed some of Molly's bullets forged from angel weapons. Fucker wasn't bothering us ever again.


I sat at the front desk worried about Angel. He hadn't been home in days. He wouldn't respond to mine or Molly's calls. I sat waiting for him... and wishing he'd hold me like he used to. Eventually the doors opened to Angel. He was dressed in some sort of battle gear and looked covered in blood with a sick smile on his face. Something dropped from his hand and rolled. Molly came in, and saw her brother. She ran over and hugged him. Angel responded only with a laugh.

"Well Molly I finally got the job done!" She looked to the object that had fallen and gasped. I soon realized it was the head of Angel's father. Molly seemed unsettled by this.

"I-I never thought you'd actually do it." Angel responded to Molly with only a laugh.

"Well I got a lot of work to do! The boys are actually warming to me already, and kinda thanking Arackniss and I." Arackniss ran in and highfived Angel. The two seemed to be caught up in their own little world. For a moment, Angel's eyes met mines, and... I saw the darling from the other day, but that was soon lost in his current emotions. Arackniss and Angel soon had left Angel's roomto meet with some men. Molly looked to me and seemed lost emotionally.

"He did it... he damn did it! He wouldn't have without me!" Molly had tears  stream down her face as she spoke. She ran to her room and left me there. I went upstairs to see the men leaving Angel's room, and giving me lingering looks. I knocked on Angel's door and he shouted for me to come in. He was in a simple mesh nightgown, and sat on his bed as he texted.

"Angel, can we please talk, alone?" Angel nodded and had Arackniss leave us. Angel stood up and walked to his balcony as he lit a cigarette.

"The hell ya want Al?" He seemed so calloused and cold to me. I stood next to him and frowned for once.

"That was quite a daunting task you did." Angel smiled a bit, seeming to relish in his pride.

"Ya think?" I smiled and nodded. He seemed to perk up. "Well, I know you needed protection and shit, and I think Dad wouldn't have helped ya, so I did what I had to do to protect my best friend and sis." Angel said it all and went back to his cigarette. I realized this was all a reaction to Molly and I being "together". I tried to play along with his story. I knew Angel was becoming territorial of me.

"That's very noble of you." I placed a hand over his, and it caused him to flush in color. "I'm glad I have someone like you by my side." Angel's eyes hardened immediately.

"We're best friends, I'd do anything for yours and Molly's safety." I nodded, I realized I struck a nerve. I leaned my head on his shoulder like old times and sighed. "If you don't mind... I got shit to do." I did mind.

"Why are you being so cold to me?... You just got home." Angel looked to me, and it wasn't till then that I saw the dark circles under his eyes. Angel sighed.

"I'm running a mafia now Alastor. I don't have time for this." I felt hurt as he spoke, but I realized I had done the same to him when I just decided to be with Molly. "I got men to order around and deals to make." I hugged him abruptly.

"Please don't shut me out in the process. Promise you won't shut me out!" Angel responded to this with a calloused push to me.

"I got work to do Alastor. I don't have time for your games." I looked to him in sheer disbelief. 


He was going to feel the way I felt whether he liked it or not. I had given him my heart, but even as he hurt me I wasn't going to let any other overlord touch him. Alastor walked out my room upset and I closed the door as I called in some of my men. I got to directing them as to what I wanted them to them. One of 'em seemed to be not listening at all. I pulled out a gun and put it to his head.

"I am your damn boss. Listen to me or it's your brains on my nice ass rug." These men were to keep an eye on Alastor and Molly. It'll be good to know what the hell they're doing, but... I was highkey jealous. The men understood because Molly is family and shit. I was only interested in Alastor. I needed to make him see I was still me, just a lot better and with a whole ass mafia behind my back. The men left to attend to their duties. Arackniss came in, and I just felt myself finally break through. Arackniss sat with me and hugged me. I cried into his shoulder as  agonizing sobs of lonliness escaped me. I wanted to run to Alastor, but I didn't know what to do if he didn't love me back.

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