One: Traveling back home

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"I don't get it," I start when my dad Lewis leaves the time machine, his science experiment on the wing of the vehicle.  I had just taken him to see his birth mother like he wanted, but he did the unexpected.  "Why did you let her go?" I ask, confused to no end.  His mother was right there.  He had a chance to find out who she was.  This little blonde kid, who wanted nothing more than to find his mom, hid.  Lewis gives me a smile, almost as if telling me the answer is obvious.

"Because I already have a family," Lewis answers, surprising me.  Even though he's still young, and not my father yet, he's already accepted me.  Lewis pulls me into a hug, and still in shock, it takes me a second to hug him back.  Of course when I do, I'm the happiest son ever.

"I never thought my dad... would be my best friend," I murmur, releasing him afterwards.  "Now don't make me come and bail you out again," I continue, handing him the paper he had torn before the trip and start climbing up the machine.

Lewis gives the paper a look, recognizing it as his diagram for the experiment.  "I won't," he sighs, placing the paper in his pocket.

"And remember, I've got a time machine.  If you mess up again, I'll just keep coming back till you get it right."  Lewis chuckles as I jump back into the time machine, buckling up.  "You got that motto?"  I point to my head, as if telling him to remember it and he does the same.

"I got it."  That's my dad.

I point to him, sitting in my seat with a hand on the wheel.  "Don't forget it."

"I don't think that's possible," Lewis replies as he picks up his experiment, smiling at me.  I sigh, knowing that our goodbyes, my least favorite part, is coming up.

"You better get going," I mutter, pressing some buttons and starting up the machine.  It starts whirring up, and I remember the adventure we just had together, introducing him to my family, the battle with the Bowler Hat Guy, and even the new addition to the family, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.  How I wish we could continue that.

"See you later, Wilbur," Lewis replies, giving me one last smile before walking towards the door and I fly up into the sky.  Of course, I decide to leave him a goodbye message and honk before he can get inside, and I set the date to go back home and disappear, heading back to the future.  I'm going on another one with him, this time with my current dad.

ERROR!  The time machine starts shaking in the time stream, the computer overheating and smoking as I struggle to control the ship.  Panic rises in my chest, my hands flying for the different buttons to diagnose the problem.  ERROR!  ERROR!  ERROR!  The screen says as I hurdle through to the other side, leaving the time stream and into the middle of a town.  It's definitely not home, however, as the city looks even older than my Dad's childhood.  I still struggle to control the shaking ship, and an engine blows on one side as the ship falls, flying straight into a skyscraper.  With what little control I have, I steer the malfunctioning ship away from as many people as possible, unintentionally hitting a skyscraper instead.  When I crash, my head rams against the steering wheel and everything ends up as a blur.  In fact, other than the smell of smoke, the next thing I experience is a girl in a red suit yelling at me.  Not being able to hear fully, I just stare at her as she continues to yell at me, gesturing off somewhere but I'm still stuck on her face, trying to read her lips.  She's got black hair down past her shoulders, purple eyes that seem to be almost disguised as blue, a black mask hiding part of her face and her red spandex suit has an i with a circle around it on her chest.  She looks around sixteen or seventeen, but her anger seems to make her older.

At some point I'm able to hear sirens, and an older woman with a similar suit to the girl's swoops in, elongated arms and legs almost freaking me out completely.  "That's everyone!" The older woman yells, running over to the black haired girl.  "Violet!  Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, mom," the girl named Violet answers, sighing.

"Where am I?" I croak out, my voice deeper than usual.  Is that normal?  Am I hearing things right?

"Urbem Heights, we're getting you to the hospital now."  The older woman answers, but it's not the response I'm looking for.

"What city?  What year?"  I start rambling off questions, but before I could get to the third question Violet presses a finger to my lips.

"Relax.  You're disoriented from the concussion.  What were you doing flying that plane into the twenty fifth floor?" Violet asks, more of a demand for information rather than a polite question.

"I was trying to get home, I lost control of the machine," I answer, trying to remember.  For some reason, my voice hasn't returned to normal yet.  Why?  "What year is it?" I ask again, but by the looks of the two women's faces, they weren't going to answer.  "Humor me."

"1964," Violet reluctantly answers.  Her answer stuns me to silence as I look at the area around me, with the skyscrapers and the vintage cars.  Except they're not vintage here.  They're practically brand new.  I look up at the skyscraper where my time machine should be, at the flames where my machine isn't, and dread fills me to my core.  How am I supposed to get back home, 73 years into the future?  My machine is in ruins, and Lewis isn't here to help me.

My dad.  How is he going to find me?  Thoughts of my family learning of my disappearance scares me, as I know it will scare them.  Even though my dad has the other prototype, he has no way of finding me.  I just helped Lewis set the time stream back on the correct path, and now I may never return home.  My dad.  My best friend.

I have to return home.

A/N: I'm going through the chapters for spelling/grammar mistakes (apparently I can't spell grammar, it literally autocorrected on me). Pretty please comment on areas that I need to fix! It would help a ton knowing what my readers are confused about. Don't forget to vote and comment! Ta-ta for now!

A/N 06/29/2023:  I am going through this novel and making some major edits.  I have been trying for years to finish it, I am THREE chapters away from finishing it, and I have not been able to.  Don't worry, plot changes won't be changed too much, you should be able to pick up where you left off, but I need to do some major editing, fix plot holes, etc. just so that I can get to those three chapters.  If you can, I would love feedback on where I need to edit.

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