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*still the same day*

"Mum, I was wondering if we could make some biscuits for when we visit the Benedict's household?" Diane asked nervously, looking towards Petunia's direction. "That seems like a good idea. We'll get started once Dudley leaves for his sleepover," she responded as she went back to eating.

Once the Dursley's were done eating, Vernon went to change into his suit, and Dudley went to his room to finish packing. "Diane darling, can you water the flowers and check on that. . .herb garden. . .of yours," Petunia said with a slightly distraught tone at the end. Either way, Diane went outside to take care of Petunia's flower garden. Going towards the far left corner of the yard.

Which held mint, parsley, peppermint, potatoes, onions, carrots and strawberries. So, it wasn't really a 'herb' garden, but a garden non the less.

During the time when they were allowed to go to school, they had spent most of their time in the library, reading up on books. And since his type of predicament requires him to be able to heal, he had looked at some medical books. While doing so, he found different herbal medicine from all over the world. So, he knows the difference between the most dangerous plants to the most calming and healthy ones. Now while he was looking at the different herbs, he came across "herb gardens." That's were the idea of planting came from.

During this time, she had asked the school if they had their own garden. She was disappointed to know that they didn't, but also happy that she was allowed to water the flowers and bushes within the playground and school entrance. Since, they looked like a girl, no-one payed they any attention. Only the occasional girls helping them. But she couldn't understand the way the boys stared as them. He would find some notes in their desk a few times, and they didn't understand what they meant until one of the girls explained to them about 'Love Notes.'

Anyways, back to the present, Harry was pulling out some weeds in the onions section. When he saw something slither in the side of his vision. He went towards the bush and move some of the branches aside to find a garden snake surrounding its nest. "Oh, hello there. What beautiful scales you have ," Harry said as he leaned in more. "A speaker. What a pleasure to be in your presence," the snake hissed back as they seem to bow their head slightly. What?! Harry thought as he looked at the snake.

"Excuse me, how can we understand each other," Harry asked, confustion written on his face. "Why your a parsel-mouth of course. A rare speaker here in Wizarding England History," the snake explained as Harry became even more confused, but yet also nervous. "What do you mean by Wizarding England History?'" Harry said as he kneeled down while looking back at the house in worry. "It means your a wizard, . . . or witch?" the snake explained, slightly confused at the last part.

Harry's eyes widen, "As in magical" "yes." Harry became even more scared as he asked the snake more questions, who answered them enthusiastically. Happy to help a speaker. After their little
conversation, Harry went back into the house to continue his chores. "Diane darling. What took you so long?" Petunia said as she looked at Harry. "I had to change some of the dirt because they seemed to be unfertili," I explained.

I see Dudley in the living room, with his backpack, watching TV. I go back into the kitchen, "Mum, can I go upstairs and read for a bit?" "Sure, love." I nodded and went upstairs to my room. I looked to the shelf in my room, and grabbed one of the poetry books.

I sit on the chair by my desk, and read.

Once I heard the car and  closing of the door, I got up and went downstairs. Aunt Petunia was in the living room, watching one of her TV dramas. I went into the kitchen and got started on the batter for the biscuits. It is 9:10. Vernon already left for work, and Dudley is gone. So, I have about an hour or so to finish the backing.

*Time Skep*

"Diane sweetie, it's almost time for us to go." "Almost done, Mum," I say as I add in the finishing touches, before putting them in the container to keep them warm.

I put on my jacket, and went outside with Petunia, container in hand. And we started walking to the Benedict's house. Which is two houses across from ours, so it wasn't long. Petunia knocked on the door, and we waited. A burnette boy with amber colored eyes opened the door. "Oh, you must be the Dursleys. Petunia and Diane, right?" He asked as he looked at us. "Yes, I am Petunia, and this is my daughter Diane." "Hello," I said politely as I bowed my head a bit.

"Come on in, my parents are waiting for you," the boy said as he led us to the living room. Not too different from our home. "By the way, my name is Johnathan," the boy, now Johnathan, said as he looked at the container in my hands. "I made some biscuits. Would you like some?" I asked and I opened the lid.

"Sure," he responded as he took one of the biscuits. I sat down besides Petunia on the couch. Petunia and Johnathan's parents talked, while I sat and listened. Occasionally, speaking when they ask something. "Hey mum, could I show Diane the garden and my book collection," Johnathan asked as he looked at his mother. "Sure honey. Be good now," Mrs. Benedict smiled as Johnathan led me to the backyard.

I looked to see the many flowers that grew, and the vine covered walls. It was beautiful.

"Are you really a girl?"

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