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Harry POV

It's 4:45 am in the morning. Not bad, I got more sleep than yesterday. I get out of bed and walk to the dresser. I have an old MP3 player stashed underneath the bottom board of the dresser. I get the earphones from underneath my mattress and walked to the window, selecting shuffle. Melanie Martinez. I begin nodding to the beat as I walk to the closet.

I get the dress, leggings, and undergarments ready as I set them on the bed. Aunt Petunia knows I get up early anyways, so I should be able to take a shower. The only problem I have is that she thinks I wake up at around 6. So, I have some time to kill. *tap**tap* I look to the window to see. . . an owl? A brown one. It's a barn owl. I look to its feet, something is attached to its leg.

I hurried to pause the music and take off the earphones. I stand there for awhile, waiting for any indication that someone is awake. No one. It's going to tap again! I hurried to the window and undo the locks. The owl flys to my bed post and sticks out its leg. I walk slowly towards it and unattach the object. Then, it flys out the window to rest on a tree. Is it waiting for something?

I look down at the paper in my hand. A letter? I'll read it later. I thought as I hide the MP3 player, earphones, and letter. I look at the clock on my nightstand, 5:59 am. I get the clothes off the bed and head for the bathroom. Where I lock the door and turn on the shower. I uncloth and go through the skin care routine, then head into the shower. I go through all the procedures, and go over the plans for today.

Alright, so we're meeting with the Benedicts for lunch in their house. Just me and Aunt Petunia, since Dudley will be spending the weekend with some friends. While Uncle Vernon is working late. Maybe I can make some biscuits for them. I think as I turn off the shower and ring out my hair, grabbing the towel and drying myself off. Then, I put on some lotion, and get ready for the day. Exiting the restroom and going straight to my room.

The owl is still on the tree, as I left the room to make breakfast. The smell of bacon, sausages, eggs, and pancakes fill the house. Sounds of the other occupants waking up is heard as well as they begin their daily rituals. I can hear Dudley coming downstairs to eat. "Good morning, dear sister." "Morning darling brother." "Diane can you get me my morning paper and coffee." "Yes, father," I answered as I go to the front door. The morning air hits me as I see the newspaper boy on his bike as usual. "Morning Jimmy," I say as he throws the paper in my direction. "Morning Diane!" he responds as he passes by the house. I get the paper and head back inside, where the coffee pot beeps and the tea kettle is about to whistle. I hurried to turn off the stove, to pour the coffee and tea.

I give Vernon his coffee and paper, then the tea to Petunia, and gave Dudley apple juice. I sat down and eat the portion I was allowed to have. This is going to be like any other day. I thought as I glanced out the window.

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