Samdy: OOF!

Blizzy: OOF!

Pirabbid Plant 1: OOF!

Pirabbid Plant 2: OOF!

Snow: >:3

Sandy: The hell? A little wolf?

Luna: *Stomps on their heads*

Pirabbid Plant 2: Bwaaaagh!

Luna: Get out of here!

Snow: None of you belong here!

Blizzy: Run along, child. You could get very hurt.

Snow: *Unamused*

Luna: She's my daughter! She's not running from you!

Sandy: Child or not, Master Megabug has commanded us to take out ALL heroes!

Luna: Hmph, good luck with that!

Sandy/Blizzy: BWAAAH!

Pirrabid Plants: BWAAAGH!

Sandy throws a sand grenade at Luna and Snow. It explodes in their faces.

Luna: AH! *Holds her eyes*

Pirabbid Plant 1: *Shoots a fireball at Snow*

Snow: *Frontflips over it and throws a few blood shards at the Pirabbid Plant*

Pirabbid Plant 1: Bwagh!

Blizzy: *Jumps on top of a larger building*

Luna: Hey! Get down from there!

Blizzy: *Snipes down at Luna*

Luna: OOF!

Her head becomes frozen in ice.

Snow: Momma! D:

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Sets Snow's tail on fire*

Snow: AAAHHH!!! *Hops around*

The Pirabbid Plants starts laughing.

Luna: *Bashes her head on the ground, breaking the ice*

Blizzy: *Metal Gear Solid detected SFX*

Luna: YEET! *Throws her Sword of Hope at Blizzy*

Blizzy: *Ducks behind some cover*

Luna jumped up to Blizzy and caught her Sword of Hope.

Blizzy: *Shoots a Reaction Shot at Luna*

Luna: *Jumps over it and stabs Blizzy*

Blizzy: Bah!

Luna: Down you go! *Kicks Blizzy off the building*

Blizzy creates a small icy tornado and gently lands on the ground.

Luna: Shit...

A fireball suddenly hits Luna, setting her hoodie on fire.

Luna: AH! *Pulls it off and quickly extinguishes the fire*

Pirabbid Plant 1: *Fires more fireballs at Luna*

Luna quickly jumps over the fireballs and swings her sword at the Pirabbid Plant.

Pirabbid Plant 2: *Dodges her slashes*

Blizzy climbs to the top of another building and snipes at Luna.

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