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It was Felix's first day at a new highschool. To say he was nervous was an understatement. You see the cute boy used to live very far away- all the way in Australia. Suddenly his parents decided to move back to Korea- where they grew up- taking Felix with them. He certainly was not happy about this change as he was just getting used to highschool and gaining more friends. Then poof- he's moved to a whole new place where everything is different.

Not to mention he's not the best at speaking Korean. His parents did speak Korean around the house but he never really picked up on it. He can understand it pretty well, but speaking it, that was not easy for him.

Felix just hopes for the best. He decided that for the first day he should tone down his usually crazy cute outfits- aka he wasn't wearing a skirt on the first day of school. Instead he was wearing some bleached white ripped jeans and a large pink sweatshirt.

His parents were dropping him off the first few days, but after the first week he would have to walk to school. As he was sitting in the car, he was biting his thumb nail. He was just scared of what people would think of him.

After a few minutes of silence, they had arrived at school. Both of his parents smiled at him and he nervously smiled back.

"You've got this, son." "You'll do great my little star." Both his parents spoke. Felix nodded a bit at their words, feeling a little less anxious. He quickly got out of the car, grabbing his bag and closing the door. He gulped and waved bye to his parents, slowly walking to the front doors.

He opened one of the doors and stepped in, instantly feeling a wave of cool air hit him in the face. He slowly made his way forward, looking around, trying to get hints on where the office would be.


There was a group of boys leaning against the wall, talking a little bit away from Felix. This group would consist of Chan and his friends. Well known as the "popular boys" or the "court" of the school.

They were all chatting about schedules and clubs when suddenly one boy nudged another. Like dominoes falling they all got nudged and looked up to where the first boy was staring. What they all saw was a somewhat short and cute boy looking around as if he was lost.

"Holy shit is he cute." One boy muttered, causing his boyfriend to slap the back of his head. "Hey you were thinking that too! We all are and you can't deny it." He said and grumbled, rubbing his head.

Suddenly they all looked away- well almost all of them. They looked away because the boy looked up at the group of boys. He smiled a bit and made his way over to the group of teens. Once he was there they were all staring.

As he made his way over, the one boy who refused to look away was just staring at Felix. The boy, Chan, was admiring his seemingly cute aura, his fluffy hair, his pretty lips and his definitely squeezable thighs. This boy was like a cute sex god walking on earth. He couldn't keep his eyes off the smaller boy.


Felix gulped as he looked at the seemingly tall boys infront of him. He started to play with the hem of his sweatshirt as he looked around at them.

"U-um- office? Yeah- uh office, you know wh-where the office is?" He asked. Like we said before, his Korean was not the best.

The boys looked at him with tilted head and cocked eyebrows. Suddenly one of the boys spoke up, not wanting to leave the boy hanging.

"Um the office. You're looking for the office?" He said and Felix nodded immediately. The boy smiled and held his hand out. Felix cautiously took it, the boy shaking his hand aggressively.

"I am Hyunjin. I'm guessing you're new?" He asked and Felix once again nodded. "Well I can show you where the office is if you'd like." The boy, now known as Hyunjin, said.

"Ah before we go, what your name?" He asked. Felix smiled sweetly at this.

"I'm Lee Felix. Nice to meet you." He said in english, forgetting the boys might not understand. Before he could say anything else another boy spoke up.

"Wait you speak english?" He asked and Felix looked at him, shyly nodding. "U-um yeah. It's my first l-language. I'm a-actually still learning Korean." He said in broken text. One of the boys giggled causing another to elbow him.

"That's so cool! Our little Chan here speaks English too. Maybe he can help you to learn Korean." Hyunjin said pointing to a boy now named Chan.

This Chan boy was just staring at Felix. The small boy didn't know how to feel about that. The Chan boy just nodded before turning to another boy.

"We have class. Hyunjin show him to the office and then hurry up." He said before leaving, causing the other boys to follow him.

"Sorry he's a bit rude." Hyunjin said and smiled. "It's okay." Felix said and followed Hyunjin as he started to walk.

As they walked, Felix looked around in awe at the actually nice school. After a few minutes they got to the office and Hyunjin opened the door. "I'm gonna head to first class. I hope we have some classes together." He said and smiled before leaving.

This meant Felix was now on his own. He headed to the front desk lady and asked her what he needed. She gave him everything, a map, his schedule and a few tips. He waved as he set on his way to his first class at a new highschool.


Yeah so I hope you enjoyed. I was planning on putting the first chapter out earlier but I got busy >:(

Anyways yes Chan will be a bit rude at first but only cause he dont do feelings but he ~LikEs fEliX

Also yes their ages are a bit messed up n stuff, I just like the way I have it so yeah.

Please tell me what you think 🥺

Anyways have a good day my children

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