My Direction

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               Hello! This is my first fanfiction so.. give me some slack?? so yeah i really hope you like it! sorry if i make no sence!!!

                   Hi. My name is Darcy Tellini. I'm seventeen years old. I have blonde wavy hair that goes to my bellybutton and big green eyes that sparkle. I'm 5"4 and sorta tan. I have my nose,lip,bellybutton,and my hips pirced. I have seven tattoos: two infinity signs, one on my wrist and one on my right middle finger, i have one on the side of my right hand to, there these metal flames, i also have a trebel clef by my thumb on my left hand. i have a "&" sign just below my hip pircing.i have a ying yang on my left for-arm. i have writing on my ribcage that says "I'll be loved one day". I'm also a swimmer. I've been swimming since third grade and i'm pretty built. Onnly bad thing is that i have my moms boobs and butt, witch is big, but luckly im all muscle. Most guys at my school don't like me though i don't exacly know why but they perfer to go for the bleached blonde bimbos whose faces looked like a crayon raped there faces. they always wear clothes that look like scraps and its gross but good thing im graduating today. yup it's my graduation day. i just slid by like everyone else so i didnt need to stay lond i got my diploma and left. once i got home of coarse my mom was pasted out on the couch.

            Once i walked in i got some apple juice and got changed into my work outfit. I work at Jack Wills Im a model and cashire so i get paid extra.Before i left my moms phone vibrated i answered: "Hello?"  "is this cathrine?" "no she's...sleeping this is her daughter can i help you?" "yes this is your father jim" "umm.. hello?" "darcy im getting re-married witch means your coming to live with me in london with our new family because you mothers and I's divorce papers state that  whoever r-marrys first gets cusody. soo you wanna come,?" i thought for a moment before saying "alright ill have a ticket for a plane tommorw i miss you cant wait to see you" "you to sweetie see you tommorw" before he hung up he explianed how i have 5 step siblings but 3 of them are moved out and 2 of them still lived with them. ones 8 years old and the other is 20. he hung up and i was off to work.

          Today I exited the plane nd grabbed my stuff i found my dad before we left we had some chat and put my stuff in the back of his truck. we were off to the house he decided to start a conversation:"Got enough piercing and tattoos??" he giggled "sorry if you dont like them" "no, i like them there pretty i you like one direction?" that wasnt random "i love one direction there music is inspiring.. i also like black veil brides, falling in reverse , pirce the veil , blood on thedancefloor and- ugghh! i did it again sorry i do that all the time just talking about music getsme excited" "its ok sweetie were here anyways you can tell me more later" "you live here are we poor?"  there was a big hotel in front of us. "no were not poor your soon to be step mother owns this hotel so we get special rooms and keys. the special keys open to the living room and batheroom and dining room and your own room." "thats so cool" we began walking joanna sounds like a nice woman. he pulled out a key and opend the door im guessing the living 2 girls stood up " hello arcy nice to finally meet you im joanna and this is phoebe your new step sister" she gestured to the little girl next to her. she hugged me and i introduced myself. my came up and said and this is your new step brother.. louis tomlinson" "oh dang.." was all i could say "hi darcy from the look on your face your a fan?" " huge you guys are amazing!" "thank you iss darcy" he said with a bow he gave me a key a showed me my room two beds a walk in closet a flat screen a couch and a bathroom. i thanked him and went outside to get my stuff my dad was already out there. " thats all you have?" my dad asked gesrureing to my 2 boxes and 2 duffle bags "yeah mom quit her job so i got one and i had to sell most of my stuff just to get us by mom let her self go when you left shes drinking and smoking 24/7 now.." "im so sorry darcy you had to go through that" "its ok dad im glad im gone now im here with you" we smiled and grabbed my things. i really was glad to be gone from my mom her boyfirends scared me one of them raped me 4 times ive tried to excape him once but he just punched me. when they broke up i thought everthing was going to go back to normal but no.. her next boyfreind beat me seven times thats where the pericings came frome and the tattoos. i got 4 pericing for 4 rapes and 7 tattoos for 7 beatings..i dont regret etting them at all. pushing back the bad memories igot 2 boxs and a duffle bag i couldnt really see that well, i went up the stairs and some boys ran into me laughing they never stopped runnging my boxs went forward and my bed went forward. my head slammed into the ground and i groaned in pain. i tured so i was on my back now. a guy came up and asked if i was ok and the boy Niall Horan.. i loved him the most hes just plian beautiful and dont even get me started on his eyes!! i was about to respond but i blacked out...

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