Number 2

228 13 11

He's quite analytical

Okay, you might be thinking: How do you know long words, Denki? Well, I don't.

I just asked Iida what word I can use for this. He was confused but, he thought I was doing it for work.

I mean, this is more important then work but we're not going to tell him because he would tell Midoriya, and that might end up a tiny bit complicated since Deku would probably tell Shinso.

Okay, we're getting off topic.

But he can actually analyse people so well! It's kind of scary.

Nobody can get anything past him.

It's really hot, actually.

You can just see the gears working in his brain when he's talking to someone. He'll just be looking at someone's body language, and whenever he suspects someone lying he'll just stare into their eyes.

Other people find his blank stare scary, but it just gives me a reason to look into his eyes without seeming creepy. However, it does get kind of freaky when I'm trying to hide something.

The sad thing is that he reads even deeper into someone's expressions whenever they compliment him, as if he thinks they're lying.

Does he not have any confidence? I mean, he's the most amazing, cool and collected person I know.

Meanwhile, I'm just... me.

Also, he's quite cynical when he first meets someone and the distrust is quite obvious since he reads even more into them and analyses them a lot more. However, around Present Mic (why), Aizawa (again, why) and me, he seems to let down his guard a bit so you can see when he trusts you and it's really sweet.

I still don't understand what his deal with Mic and Aizawa is-

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