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Promise me something?Promise me something?

Promise you won't laugh?

Promise not to call me crazy?

The thing is..

I'm not from here...

I'm from a place where we have phones, laptops, computers and basically all the technology. This place has no technology, the most you can do when you want to contact someone is visit them or write a letter that they may receive in a month or so if the letter doesn't get stolen or misplaced. You must be thinking who are you? Where are you? Honestly, even I don't know. Ah no, it's not a joke. I can't seem to remember what my name is and I can't seem to recognise this place however after the time I have spent here I realised it's not the modern era. It's somewhere mysterious...People blessed by the Gods have a soul spirit. A soul spirit is an anime spirit by your side to protect you at all times, the powers your spirit animal has you have. My soul spirit is similar to the Basilisk in Harry potter as it is a Basilisk that kills anyone who looks into its eye however, it can change forms and become as small as a viperid. It won't cause any harm to me but the same can't be said for people I feel uncomfortable. For this reason I ended up living as a guest at the imperial Palace. I was found beside the door of the temple wearing a luxurious golden kimono which is only to be worn by the imperial family. That's not the only strange thing, as soon as they tried to move me away from the holy place my soul spirit showed itself making them unable to move me. The monks decided to report this to the high monk who then personally brought me to the main room, then reported to the emperor of the child blessed by the Gods appearing at the temple. After the meeting with the clans, it was decided that I was to stay at the palace and be treated no less than the imperial princess as I would bring prosperity to the kingdom. When I woke up I was surrounded by maids, helping me for every little thing. I was told the emperor wanted to see me which leads to where I am right now, IN FRONT OF THE EMPEROR. Yes, that escalated very fast. Oh I forgot to mention I may have killed a maid by accident. In my defence it wasn't my fault she was very hostile towards me and when she looked into my eyes, her soul left her body. That led everyone to believe soul spirits and master have the same powers. Oh did I mention, if I am to be upset the whole kingdom can be destroyed in one moment? To every good side there is a bad side.. The bad side is whomever I get married to can control my soul spirit and command it to kill me resulting in both of us dying, though this isn't known by the public, just myself and the high monk. Back to the throne room, the emperor looks ready to kill on his side is the Empress. I think her name is Empress Misako, she looks stunning and next to them are the two princes. Masahiko Rin, the 'black prince' as everyone calls him.. Hmm.. Maybe I should just stay away from him... I don't really want to be involved in this family fight or whatever it is. And the other one is Kuroda Rui the second prince, he looks like a player and according to the maids he has many many women in his palace. Under them near to where I am there are two sides. One side has the Oda Clan, yes you read right ODA, Imagawa Clan, Yoshida Clan and there are many other people however not well known. On the other side there is the Taira Clan, Fujiwara Clan, and a few other clans.

"It is prime time we discuss what to do with the Blessed child. She is extremely powerful, we don't want her falling into the wrong hands" someone from the Oda Clan said.

"We should discuss how there is a murder running around killing nobles" said someone from the Fujiwara Clan.

"Maybe if someone wasn't too busy thinking about useless things, they would have caught this notorious criminal which has seemed to crawl out of the sewers" as the second prince finished saying that the whole room erupted into chatter about the recent events.

"ENOUGH" shouted the Emperor "I summoned all of you here for important matters." The room was now pin drop silent. Pleased the Emperor looked towards me "Come forward, Child". Trembling, I walked towards him and bent to kneel. "Stop, you don't have to kneel to me. You are blessed by the Gods. Tell me where are you from?"

"Forgive me, your majesty I do not remember"
"She looks plain, are you sure she is blessed" the second prince voiced out causing laughter to erupt from some of the guests present. The Emperor glanced sharply at him causing him to be quiet as I played with the hem of my sleeve. "Child, I want to see you spirit soul"

Nodding, I called upon King and he slithered out. Gaps could be heard from all around as King stood in his original form with pride. "Your majesty pardon me for being rude but please do not look into his or my eyes." The Emperor said one word "Explain".

"Whoever looks into his or my eyes will die" I explained. "Hm" responded to the Emperor as I touched King's head and asked him to change into something smaller. King transformed into a tiny snake that slithered onto my hand and stilled turning into a beautiful bracelet. Everyone in the room was shocked with my interaction with King. The Emperor cleared his thought to bring everyone back into focus "As I was saying, I want someone to be at her side at all times protecting her. Every Clan needs to bring forward the most suitable person for this and you my dear can pick the one you want with you at all times. The rest will watch over you from far" By the end of the meeting there were 10 people standing in front of me.. As the Emperor said before they would be protecting me and now I had to choose one out of them to be with me at all times. The names are " Oda Noboru, Imagawa Fumiko, Yoshida Nyoko, Fujiwara Kei, Toshiaki Eito, Ryoma Akihiro, Hasegawa Daichi, Harada Fujita, Chiba Hachiro and Sakurai Hisoka or one of the princes if you like."

I choose....

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