Where It Happened

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Shelby's POV:

I have to admit that the highlight of my day was having Niall at my graduation party and my lowlight was having a crease in my hair from the cap. I was finally out of highschool and I was really excited about having freedom and starting to be independant. Mikenna and I were having a joined graduation party and all of the boys showed up which was nice but I was mostly concerned about Niall being there. It was good to see Niall getting along with my family so well since I was used to it just being us. I couldn't tell if my parents liked him so much becauuse of his undeniable charm and his sense of humor or if they were just already impressed with the fact that he is in the most popular boy-band in the country. Either way, he totally had my entire family won over.

As the party continued, people simmered down and we began to eat the cake and both of our moms gave speeches. Neither of them could finish all the way though because they ended up crying about half of the way through.

"..And with that said, we should probably move on to presents!" Mikenna's mom said leading everyone into the living room where there were two seats towards the front of the room where me and Mikenna sat. We took turns opening our gifts, most of which were just money. When I got to my parents' gift I was shocked to see it was just a card instead of something over the top. I pretended to read the outsinde because it was one of those long, boring cards and when I got to the inside there was even more writting. I actually read the inside of it and I was wrong to think it wasn't going to be a big preseent. The inside of the card basically said that they will buy me and appartment or town hoouse I want, when I'm ready. This made me extremely happy but, I really could have lived without getting it. Mikenna opened her present suprised to see that her parents were buying her new car. They hadn't bought it yet though because they wanted her to pick it out herself.

Then we got to Niall and Hary's present. They were related because we had to open them at the same time. Both of the presents were in big boxes and when we opened the box there was another smaller box. This went on through about 4 boxed and then there was an envelope. The envelope had no card in it, just a little picture of a really nice cabin.

"So, basically this is an invitation for you two to come to Colorado with me and Niall this winter," Harry said mostly looking at Mikenna. I immidiately jumped out of my chair and practically attacked Niall giving him the biggest kiss ever.

"So you want to?" he asked laughing, recovering from the tackle. I nodded my head and then kissed him again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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