I couldn't conceive eyes more beautiful.

He had hazel eyes. Shining hazel eyes which could make the straightest of men question their sexuality.

His curly hair complemented his skin. I needed that clear skin.

And when things couldn't get worse, he looked at me and smiled, making one dimple on his right cheek pop in.

God this guy wants to kill me.

"Are you thinking I'm too cute for a black?" He questioned without dropping his smile.

My eyes suddenly widened "What! No. You're too cute for a human" this made him chuckle and that's when I realized that I loved him,

Not romantically.

Not even a bit.

But as a person. I knew seeing my previous experiences I shouldn't judge so easily, but
I wanted him to be my best friend.

"You're pretty too umm...."

"Katherine" I mumbled.

I realized that everyone had finally settled down and the bus started to leave.

"Wait why aren't you sitting with any of your friends" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me.

"Well No one's really my friend here. My friends didn't get in and these assholes just bribed the school or something. Wait forget about my friends, why's your friend glaring at you? Did you have a fight or something?"

He pointed at the back. When my eyes followed his gaze, my stomach tied into knots seeing the person who once used to loosen those knots with his touch.

And indeed, he was staring at me, and his eyes- for the first time I could read them.

He was trying to punch me with his eyes.

I am so done with this. I stood up, walking up to him.

Seeing me come up to him, he turned to Angelica on his side.

"Jorden. I want to talk to you" I announced, louder than I intended to, making every eye on the bus turn towards me.

Except hails. The world could end but her sleep still won't be disturbed.

"Ca- Katherine." He nodded and shifted his gaze to Angelica, ignoring my presence.

"Den. I said I want. To. Talk. To. You."

I gritted through my teeth, enunciating each word, vexed because of all the attention on me.

"Oh my god can you be more desperate. Why would he want to talk to a fatass like you?" She scoffed in my face.

That's when my non existent insecurity creeped up making my gaze shift to her perfectly built abs, visible through her crop top, unlike my, well, non built stomach.

I knew Den was gonna snap at her, so I just said the first thing that came to my mind, trying to be as polite as I could be.

"Angelica, please"
"It's Angela you bitch" she said and at that moment, Den grabbed my wrist and pulled me to an empty seat in the front.

He sat down and I stared at him.
Maybe I didn't think this through.

I definitely didn't.

Then I remembered what hails once said "Martin you don't think about others' feelings when you go up to them and start blabbering shit without even realizing. YOU HAVE TO THINK STUFF THROUGH"

I looked down at him, studying his face properly for the first time in 2 months and that's when the realization hit me,

I had been trying to distract myself with other boys, where the one I really needed was the one I missed the most.

The most bewitching face of all.

Jorden decker.

"Why?" I look at him dumbstruck.


Shoutout to @ilovetoeatpussy for supporting me
And not being a silent reader💜
But your username-

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