Introduction and Request chapter.

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Hello and welcome to this book! I have a few rules that I would like to apply before you read and request:


1. No kinky things, this is an sfw book, and I would not like things like that.

2. Please no curse words, the reason for this one is that there's a possibility that children (and maybe littles) are reading this and we wouldn't want to teach the kiddos things that aren't meant to be taught huh?

3. Please don't request any smut or angst or things like that because this isn't really the book for that, so please no things like that.

4. If you are to rp here please don't make it long, if you would like to rp please do it in the dms and not here, thank you.

And that's all the rules. Also, disclaimer, the Sanses/ Papyruses/ Toriels/ whatever monster you want in the one shot is a human, sorry.

Yes, I am actually going to do this. And the reason is clearly said in the description, so you can read that if you'd like. Anyways, that's it for now. Bye shippers!

Undertale Au's Age Regression One Shots! (Request open)Where stories live. Discover now