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Introduction- Getting to know the Family

"My great hope is to laugh as much as I cry; to get my work done and try to love somebody and have the courage to accept the love in return." -Maya Angelou


Akiya called down her three kids for dinner. For her beloved husband was on a buisness trip. She prepared a nice meal for all of them. Six-year old Avonte came down running on the steps of the staircase with a batman action toy figure. Stop running his 11 year old sister Alisha said almost tripping over him. Their 15 year old sister Amaya came down on the phone talking to who knows. They all sat down and proceeded with a short prayer, blessing over the food. It was some rice and beans, fried chicken, baked potatoes, collard greens, and Apple Juice. Akiya was bout to pick up her fork and start eating until she heard Avonte complain. "Mommy Alisha won't stop hitting me. Waaaaa." "Alisha you know better, please stop and eat." "Mommy he's lying, he kept bothering me." Alisha whined. "SHUT UP, OMG IM LIKE TRYING TO TEXT MY FRIENDS AND YOU GUYS MAKING ALL THIS NOISE ITS SOO OMG AGGRAVATING!" Amaya yelled. This was usual for a mother like Akiya. "AMAYA, that's not appropriate language, matter fact gimme your phone, Avonte after this time-out and no batman and Alisha I'll be taking away your iPad. No buts, all y'all be quiet, my head hurts and just eat, please." I put my hand out for Amaya to pass me her phone. She rolled her eyes and handed it to me, trying to be slick and mumbled I hate you and I wish dad was here comment. I smacked her hand and put my head in my hands. Lately my stomach had been hurting and I been getting these cramps.

A little while later, everybody finished eating and I kindly asked Amaya to wash the dishes. She hesitated at first but so only after did. Usually all I will deal with is Avonte and his bad self. Alisha is very quiet and stays on her iPad and reads. Very good girl and loves to write. She brings me good grades and behavior. She is a big daddy girl too.Yet she and Avonte can't get along. Amaya on the other hand is rude and think she grown. I don't have a problem with her all the time, but I still have to put her in check. She is too a daddy girl.I picked up my getting heavy Avonte and took him to the tub. I washed him up cleanly and put on his Spongebob pajamas. I brushed his teeth and played with him for awhile. He started getting heavy eyed, so I took him to his bed. We prayed good night together and thanked the Lord. I tucked him and kissed him on his cheek. I sent Alisha to take a shower and brush her teeth. Once she was done, she came out in her Bratz pajamas. I silently watched her pray before kissing her goodnight. I did the same routine with Amaya and was about to leave to go in the hallway until she called me. I turned back and seen her motioning for me to come. I walked over to her and she apologized for her earlier actions. I smiled and kissed her goodnight. "Your still not getting your phone back." She smiled and chuckled. "Goodnight mama love you." I smiled and got myself ready for the night. Once I was done praying I called to see if my kids father and my beloved husband would answer. It went to his voice mail and I sighed. And that night I slept lonely in our room, on our bed, under our sheets.


The next day Akiya woke up to the sound of a screaming cry. She slipped on her slippers and ran to Avonte room. I seen him holding a picture frame bawling his eyes out. I walked over to him and sat on his bed. "What's wrong my baby boy?" "Mama, I miss daddy." "Aww baby boy, he's  gonna come back. Now get ready cause we are gonna go out. Today the kids and I did not have any school or work. So today we can go all out and since I got paid this week, I was gonna spoil the kids since I haven't in a long time. Don't get me wrong, we have enough money especially because what they daddy do for a living. But I don't want to spoil my kids where they don't have any sense. As you can see we did that with Amaya and looked what happened to her. Don't get me wrong again, I , well , we ,still love her. She's still my little girl.

After waking up Amaya and Alisha, I headed towards Avonte room too see him struggling with putting on his belt. I went over to him and helped him attatch it on right. We held each other's hands as we walked downstairs. I told him to sit and watch Disney Junior as I went to get ready. Walking back upstairs my leg started to cramp and I just so happened to hear "Disney Junior, where the magic begins..." I cant wait till Anthony, my husband, get back here cause he gonna take care of these kids and im having me a mini vacation. I checked in Amaya room seeing her coming out the shower lotioning herself. I seen her wave and I waved back. "When your done go down and stay with Von while I take a shower." "KK." she replied.I heard the water running and knew Alisha just got in. I went into mine and when I was done I slipped on matching purple and nude bra and panties, some black leggins and a purple blouse. Ali and Von were sitting down watching Little Einstiens. Amaya screamed from the top if I can arrive to her. Lucky I havent reached the bottom of the steps and went back up. These kids are going to worn me out till the death of me. She asked if I can re-dye and straighten her hair. Shes a naturál curly but I'll let it slide this time. We both raced down the steps. She joined in her siblings and I started with breakfast.

Meanwhile, Anthony and his ''buisness'' trip was going well. He woke up next to the woman of his dreams, his love, his baby mother, his significant other. 😲 She made him some breakfast and gave him head. After rounds and rounds of lovemaking last night both were satisfied. Kaliah didnt love Ant, she wanted his check (money) and if pretending to actually liking this guy was necessary then she was alright with it. She was also aware he was married with kids when they started messing around but that made it better especially since it was her one and only sister, Akiya, who is. Also her three-year old daughter needed support somehow. Everybody knew Anthony wasn't the father but he was oblivious perhaps. He also didnt know they were sisters, but that didnt change the fact he was a cheater.

Anthony at one point loved Akiya, and he still does but he "believes" he's meant for Kaliah. This is not another story where the guy do the wrong doing. Everybody has a guilt, shame, and secret to hide. Some, maybe all will get revealed. But in the end, all that matters is who gets the last laugh, right?!


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