Finn gulped, "Ben?"

Me, being the asshole I am, and thinking I'm funny, slammed my fist against the console. "KYLO REN." I yelled in the loudest voice I could manage while still making sure he knew I was kidding, letting the sarcasm drip my voice.

"Fuck you." His laughter was heavy.

I smiled, a real genuine smile. It felt good to have friends other than Y/N. "Fuck you too man, Fuck you too. I'm glad you fuckin defected. I'm glad you're around man. Don't be afraid to call my shit. I promise not to force choke you even when I'm in a bad mood."

Finn cracked a broad smile. "My man. I knew you'd come around."


I walked out of the room they were trying to keep me cooped up in, because let's be honest here; Yea fucking right.

When I first arrived everyone I passed wanted to shake my hand and tell me congratulations, like I wanted to talk to them...I didn't even like half the people here. Hell, they were lucky she had told me I couldn't force choke anyone today. Upon my arrival they ushered me to this tiny ass room and told me to get dressed and stay in here. Again, Yea fucking right.

Dressed now in my black tux with a red rose boutonniere pinned to the lapel, I exited the room in search of something a little stiffer than the blue milk they had left for me.

Of course the first person I ran into was Rose Tico, the super small sidekick of hers who would love nothing more than to castrate me on site at this moment. I duck into the nearest doorway.

Big mistake, HUGE.

Shrieks everywhere. Yelling, screaming. "Get the fuck out. Kriff, Ben. What the hell is the matter with you?"

I felt at least four different sets of hands on my body pushing me from the room. All the while they were yelling and screaming. You would have thought I had just murdered someone, fuck. Women are crazy.

Standing in the hallway, face to face with one very violent looking Rose. As the Supreme Leader I bowed to no one, except for Y/N and only because if I didn't she withheld sex. And the only guidelines she gave me today were, do not kill or injure anyone and listen to Rose. Notice I said guidelines and not rules, I bow to no one in the end, I'm still Supreme fucking Leader.

"Yes?" I eyed her, I had a good foot and quarter on her, the petite dark haired woman was barely five two and that was pushing it.

Her eyes glowered, "I specifically remember telling you to stay in that room!" I could swear there was steam coming from her ears at this moment. I smirked at her. I'm sure only inciting her anger further at me.

"Maker, why did she have to fucking fall for such an arse?" She threw her hands up and walked away, turning and flipping me the finger before she turned the corner and headed down the stairs.

"Ben?" I heard my name, muffled, coming from the door that I had just been un-eloquently shoved through.

I smiled, "Yes, my Empress?"

"Don't My Empress me right now. You're supposed to be in your kriffing room." Her voice was harsh even through the door.

I groaned, "Fuck, you know what it does to me when you're like this."

A fit of laughter came from the room, I had forgotten the other ladies were in there with her.

Oh fucking well.

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