“Ma is looking for you outside, Shiv,” said Varun, his eyes never leaving hers.

Naina shuddered involuntarily when Shiv moved away and saw Varun’s hand fist by his side. She knew the exact moment when they were alone in the kitchen – the air around them grew heavy and stifling. She had done nothing wrong, she wanted to scream, but the emotions swirling in his eyes robbed her of speech.

Had she rejoiced too soon that he trusted her? He clearly didn’t if he read too much into what he saw and heard a moment ago. Her shoulders slumped and she slowly shook her head, her eyes equally holding his prisoner.

Varun was the first to look away. He grabbed the cold bottles, stuffed them into a basket and spun on his heels.

He stopped at the door. “We’ll leave in ten minutes,” he said.

And then he was gone.

She blinked rapidly to clear her eyes and her thoughts that were leading her into dangerous territory. Her brother was right –

Love had shackles – limitations. It could go only so far.

And love without trust could go nowhere.

Ria’s bubbly chatter and the occasional melodious laughter of Vansh filled the air as everyone approached the two vehicles that were to leave for the picnic. Their farmhouse was a good two hours away and thought of spending those in relative solitude in her head pepped her up. She needed time to think, sort out her jumbled emotions.

Shiv was deep in conversation with Yashvi near his car. Try as she could, a tinge of envy crept into her heart at how stunningly beautiful the woman looked. She wore tight washed-jeans and a simple figure hugging tee with a see-through jacket slung carelessly over it. Her dark brown hair was loosely bunched high up with a huge clip. She was dressed as casual as a teenager lazing around at home on a Sunday morning but there was an air of regality in the way she held herself – upright, her shoulders thrown back, her pointed chin slightly tilted up. No one would ever suspect she was a recovering alcoholic unless she let them see that truth.

And Yashvi had let her. She had trusted Naina with her vulnerability when no proud stranger would have. Oh yes! Yashvi had a deep sense of pride – Naina had read that clearly in the way she spoke to Varun that night. Strangely, it humbled her that despite her equation with Varun she had reached out to Naina.

As if sensing Naina’s eyes on her, Yashvi turned her head and looked straight at her. Naina smiled tentatively and waved her hand. Yashvi smiled back but it didn’t reach her eyes. Naina frowned as the woman excused herself from Shiv and walked towards her.

“Hey, all set?” asked Naina politely.

“Yeah, but…” Yashvi hesitated, rubbing her palms against her jean clad thighs. Averting her eyes, she dragged in a long breath and then looked at Naina. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to come along? I know ma insisted, but I can always cite work and excuse myself.”

Ma. The simple word distracted Naina, and she shook her head. When Yashvi frowned, she recovered. “No, I mean. It’s totally fine. Don’t worry.” She smiled encouragingly, squeezing Yashvi’s arm.

Yashvi covered Naina’s hand with hers and squeezed back. “Thank you,” she said, her eyes misting over. “Thank you,” she said once again, smiling. She stepped back and pointed a thumb behind her. “I’ll ride with Shiv in his car. Is it okay if Vansh comes with you and Ria. I know he would enjoy that.”

Naina beamed. “Absolutely. You know we love him already.”

Yashvi rolled her lips inwards as if to stop herself from saying something and simply nodded. She turned on her heels and almost ran to Shiv’s car.

Naina could have sworn she saw tears, but she wasn’t sure. She dismissed the thought when she saw Yashvi laugh at something Shiv said, her laughter carrying to her in similar tinkles as those of her son’s.

Everything was loaded into the car already, and they were waiting for mother and son to join them.

Her eyes eagerly sought her husband and the moment he appeared, her heartbeat instantly kicked up a notch. He wore faded brown cut-offs and a white tee hugging his muscular frame. Sensing her eyes on him, he turned his head and looked straight at her. Before she could read his expression, he slid on a pair of dark Ray-bans and strode towards the car.

Not a smile or even an acknowledgement of her as he strapped the squealing kids in the back seat. Naina sighed, feeling the day slip away from her for no fault of hers.

“Get in,” he ordered, getting into the driver’s seat making Naina grit her teeth in frustration.”

“Naina and I will come in Shiv’s car. Yashvi will go with you and the kids,” her mother-in-law said, shocking her.

Not a second after the words left his mother’s lips, Varun stood facing his mother, his eyes balls of fury, the Ray-bans lying on the road.

“What the hell are you playing at, Ma? My wife will ride with me and no one else. You can come with Shiv if you want and keep that woman with you. I don’t want her anywhere near me or my wife.”

Naina’s heart drummed against her chest as she looked from one to another. One couldn’t contain the anger while the other calmly assessed her son. Both of them were stubborn and she found herself caught in between them.

When her mother-in-law finally spoke, it was to Naina while her eyes stayed fixed on her angry son.

“Naina, will you travel with me in Shiv’s car?” she asked, though it sounded more like an order.

She was intrigued at her mother-in-law’s insistence. The older woman had been nothing but accommodating and easy-going in all these days she had lived with them.

“Yes, Ma.” Her eyes swung to Varun when he cursed loudly.

“The hell you will,” he said his eyes boring into hers. “This was supposed to be just us family, Ma.” He turned to pin his blazing eyes on his mother who still looked calm and even sported a smile.

“They are family, Varun. The sooner you accept that, the better,” her mother-in-law said, her voice brooking no argument.

As they walked towards Shiv’s grey Honda Jazz, she could feel her husband’s eyes drill a hole in the back of her head.

Naina felt a massive headache coming on as she steeled herself for a long day.


Ha ha ha! Sorry, I just felt like laughing. Who is looking forward to the next chapter? Can Varun survive a car trip with Yashvi without killing her or kissing her? Lol. Just kidding....about the kissing part, just in case Naina supporters are looking for an excuse to kill me :D

As always, looking forward to  your comments. Have I told you recently how much they inspire me? Your words do. And please don't forget to vote on every chapter. This story is at #77 in the ranking and is nearing 10000 reads because of all your support.

Thank you. I'll try and update before New Year :)

Neeru <3

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