Chapter 8: Misery call Eltnum

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Eltnum was doing her classwork before the speaker came on.

Announcement: Sion Eltnum please come to Misery's office.

She sighed to herself, already knowing where this is going and head to Misery's office where the principle was waiting on her.

Misery: Greetings, Eltnum.

Eltnum: Greetings principle.

Misery: Take a seat.

She took a seat.

Misery: One of your student hasn't been to his class in while. I was wondering if you know why.

Eltnum know but a thought came to her mind.

Eltnum: If I may, what will happened when the student who caused him to skip class?

Misery look at her seriously while putting pressure in the room.

Misery: The student will be punished by myself.

The prodigy student sweat slightly at the thought of being punished.

Eltnum: I do not know. I'm sorry.

Misery stared at her for a while before nodding.

Misery: Dismissed.

She nodded as well and left wondering where Maurice was until she heard two people talking and know one of them and it was the person she was wondering about.

???: No! It's still wrong!

Maurice: How?!

She peek in and saw him talking to Mikoshin.

Mikoshin: And that's how you do it.

Maurice: Oh.

Mikoshin stopped slightly and look to see nobody was there.

Maurice: What?

Mikoshin: It's nothing. Let's go back to studying. *thoughts* I know someone was there but I'll let it go.

Meanwhile, Shay was talking to his sisters.

Shay: What do you think of Maurice?

Emily: He's funny in my book.

Shae: He's little a dumb but in good way.

Emblem: He's cute to me.

She blushed at her sibling turning to her.

Emily: Someone has a crush.

Her twin blush more and look at the floor.

Min: What are you four on about now?

Shae: The new kid.

Min: Oh him. He's a great kids little childish but has good spirit.

He sat the paperwork for his next class and let a yawn.

Emblem: Long day?

Min: Unfortunately.

He start setting the papers out while Shay start speaking again.

Shay: He's doesn't know the next part yet.

Emily: That is true but he should have fun.

Shae: Yeah.

Emblem: I wonder how he is doing right now.

They heard the door being open and turn to see Eltnum.

Emily: Oh, it's you.

Eltnum: Hello.

Shae: Welcome.

She gave them a nod and sat down while thinking of way to apologize to her classmate.

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