June 2020

11 1 0

June 29th 2020. My grandmother (Sue) and I were moving my room arounded seeing I had turened 13 we were fixing my room into more of a teenager's room when I founed a diry of mine from 2018 I read thro it a littel when I started to remeber righting it. IT WAS SOOO STUPIED all of it was literly fuck this fuck that fuckedy fuck fuck each and every page I read I was flipping out about some random shit like "Like O..M..G the friged stopted working FML- fuck my life OMG-oh my god  ( I say sarcasticly in a made up voice) as I was saying it had ended on " My papa is so angry becuse my Fucking mom brok into our Fucking house and blew up the water heater" Like... :p 11 year old dume ass me overe here. oh ya by the way Im righting this from my computer and not my phone for a change. Back to the storry so after I read the last part I disided to right in it a littel bit I just chalt up on it and the last two yeares. ( Ima leve this here so ya byeeeee.....)

"Fun" Times In My Life 🤗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon