🦡🦘🐅Meeting Mickey.🐅🦘🦡

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When I woke up, it was already 8:45, and Esme was telling me it was going to be cold today. I shrugged, not minding the cold much, but got dressed anyways. I still had an hour before work, so spend the time with Esme, helping her with whatever she wanted to do. She finished knitting me a cat eared beanie, which I grabbed on my way out the door for work. I pulled my fingerless lace gloves up higher slightly as I adjusted my thin hoodie. I glanced across the street I was crossing to see a frantic girl. I ran up to her and asked her what was wrong. She was shaken up and pointed at a feeing man. I grabbed her hand and ran after him, realizing he stole from her. I grabbed a rock off the ground, aimed, as I was running, and threw it, hitting him in the back of his head. He landed hard on the ground and I grabbed his arms, pulling them back as my knee was on his back, pushing into it if he tried to move.

"Thank you so much." The girl smiled, grabbing her bag.

"No problem." I say, noticing a police officer rushing over from the other side of the street. "I'm Dani Hearth." I tell her, standing as the cop took over, handcuffing the thief. She smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

"I'm Mandy Milkovich. Thank you so much for helping me." Her smile was so bright, even with her dark clothes and makeup. It made me smile back.

"No problem." I wave her off, continuing on my way to work, luckily still having another 10 minutes before 10.

"Hey, uh, Dani?" Mandy followed me and I stopped.

"Yeah?" I turn to her slightly, adjusting my gloves once again.

"Would you... would you like to hangout some time? You're like, the only person to help me out other than my brothers. And you seem cool."

"Uh, sure, you seem cool too." I nod and write my number down on a sticky note from a pack I keep on me, since I like to doodle. "Here, thats my number, call anytime, now I gotta get to work. Have a nice day, stay safe."

"Oh, do you mind if I go with you? I promise I'll stay out of your way!"

"Uh... this is my first day there, and based on your last name, I think one of your brothers cause trouble there often." I say hesitantly.

"Oh! You are working at the Kash and Grab?!" She squeals. "Ian does too! Please, can I go with you?!" She pleads, and I give in. "Yay!"

"Ok, but you have to keep out of trouble! This is my first day of work!" I warn her and she nods, giving me a pinky promise. Then she links her arms with mine, and somewhat skips, forcing me to skip with her.

We get there and Linda greets me. She waves Mandy off, warning us that anything stolen would come out of my possible paycheck, and jeopardize my possible chance at the job. She shows me the ropes, which was fairly easy, and then she rushes off to get her kids somewhere. It was just me and Mandy in the store, and the occasional customer. Mandy was ok, we were sitting at the counter, her on it while I was in the chair behind it. She had a leg on each side of me, and was messing with my hands. She reminded me of a kid, and I didn't mind her much.

"Yo!" A male's voice shouts as they enter the store. I look up to see a dark haired boy. "Hey, Mandy! What are you doing here?"

"Hi Mickey, I'm here with my new friend, she works here. Don't screw this up for me." She warns him darkly as I stand, ready to ring him up, even if he was 'Mickey Milkovich'. "Anything you grab, you pay for."

"And who's gonna make me, you?" Mickey scoffed, grabbing some stuff.

"No, me, dickface." I tell him, showing my face to him. He paused.

"Elle?" He looks at me in disbelief. "That really you?"

"Yea, who's asking?" I scoff, walking around the counter arms crossed.

"Elle, hey, its me! Mick! Y'know, the boy you used to force to eat mud when we were 5, and we became best friends?" He exclaimed.

"Mick? What? No fucking way!" I exclaim and hit him in the chest. "You-you have a scar on the back of your neck from me! Let me see!"

"Yea, wait– you gave him that nasty thing?!" Mandy exclaimed.

"Yeah! We stole a few quads with Iggy, Jamie, Joey, and Colin when we were what? 8? Me and Elle here kind got in a fight or some shit and crashed our quads together, she gave me this, and a few on my back, while I gave her a few on her stomach, right?" Mickey laughed.

"Yea, but mine are less noticeable now." I smile softly at them.

"What? What, you got some kind of surgery or some shit for it?"

"Uh, no." I shake my head and glance at Mandy. "Got it from my mother and step dad. They loved giving me scars. More noticeable ones."

"Shit. Sorry to hear that, Elle." Mickey offers as Mandy frowns.

"Hey, its fine. I'm away from them now, with my grandparents. Anyways, back to business, Mickey. No stealing from this shop."

"What? Oh, come on!" Mickey scoffs angrily. "Not happening, Elle."

"Yea, it is, Mick. No stealing from this shop while I'm working here."

"Don't worry, Dani, I'll make sure he doesn't come by on your hours."

"Thanks, Mandy, but I can take him if he does." I tell her, sitting back behind the counter as she gets down and walks to her brother.

"Oh yeah? Maybe when we were kids, but last I checked, Elle, we ain't kids no more." Mickey smirked challengingly and I did too.

"Trust me Mick, I've learned over the years, you probably haven't."

"Mickey, lets go. Leave my friend alone." Mandy tells him, walking out.

"Be right there!" He shouts, eyes not leaving mine. "God. I've missed you, Elle." And before I could say anything, he kissed me and left.

Other than that, nothing else happened on my first day of work. Linda came down and checked the cash register and seemed happy, hiring me and telling me I got tomorrow off, and I could pick up my schedule for the next few months tomorrow at 6 p.m. I head home after.

Messed Up. (Mickey M. X FemOC X Ian G.)Where stories live. Discover now