Much needed cuddles

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(( Hello everyone!~ Im sorry I haven't been writing, I have been busy with many things, But I hope to be writing more often <3 Please be patient with me, and I'll try harder to come out with more stories))

Your POV

It was a few weeks later, we were all going back to school, everyone was there, and were happy like normal. All except for Bakugo of course, He's always angry.

"Alright class, sit down before I expell you all for being idiots" Aizawa's voice echoed throughout the class, making many students sit back down, and basically re-think their entire existence.

"Wether you all like it or not, Today is going to be a paper day, assignments on the different types of Heros and different types of quirks that could be used against villains is what its going to be about, not that any of you care, and neither do I" His tired tone fills the void of silence, some students weren't very happy about this, but me being me, I was thrilled, anything hero related to me is so fascinating! And besides, Im doing work that's given to me by my husband- so... Of course it'll be fun~ Though, because of me being his student ( You are 18 don't worry about that-) We have to hide that we are together... Which makes me kind of sad, I want to show him off, I want people to know that he's mine so others don't try to make moves on him!

After a while, Tsu passes out the papers, and sits back in her desk, Because the man I love was to lazy to get out of his sleeping bag to pass the papers out

"Kiro- Some of these things I haven't seen before" Tsu slightly complains, with a sigh, I giggle hearing her.

"Hey, Tsu" I get her attention "I can help you if you'd like!~" I whisper shout, she nods, and slowly moves closer to me, to hopefully not disturb the sleeping Aizawa. Once she makes it to me, I go over it with her.

" If you're going against a slime based villain, what quirk could beat them?" I read the question to her, this wasnt multiple choice, so we had to really think

" Maybe... Fire?" Tsu questions, I think for a moment

"It all depends on what the slime villain is made out of, but that could be be a good start, If a slime villain is made out of a meltable and or flammable liquid, then that could work, but if it was made out of water, and it was slimy, well I don't think Fire would work" I explain, she nods, and we write down what we think

" If there is a hostage situation, and there are three hostages, and only one area you could get through... what would be the best route?" Tsu reads the next one, I sigh a bit, mapping it out in my head.

" Once again, it depends on the area of the room the hostages are in, and where we lead out to, to get into that room, if its higher, we could do top down take downs, if its lower, we would have to sneak around, all depending on our quirks of course" I explain once again. Tsu giggles slightly.

"Kiro, how are you so good with these?" She quirks a brow at me, playfully, I roll my eyes

"Well, when you have a quirk like mine, that isn't very combat heavy, you learn as much as you can to be a quick thinker!~"  I smile happily, My father was an amazing hero, and my mother was his biggest supporter, I hope she's... I hope she's at peace with him.

" Hm? Hey, you look all sad all of a sudden" Tsu points out, I shake my head, and look at her.

"Ah- sorry, I was zoning out, thinking about certain things, you know?" I try to push the feelings down, but they kinda got the better of me, The crippling truth of me being alone, not having my mother or my father anymore weighs heavily on me, I couldn't protect them even if I wanted too, and I know that...

"Ms. L/N" Aizawa speaks up, He rose his head from his sleeping bag, My head jerks up to look at him

" Y-yes sensei?" I respond- my fear and anxiety clearly plastered across my face, Shota sighs, and cocks his head at me

"See me after class" he had his arms crossed, and his head down slightly, his eyes fiercely piercing into my own.

I nod my head, thinking about what he was going to say, or do? what was he planning? what was going on?

*-TiMe SkIp BrOuGhT tO yOu By ShInSo BeInG aIzAwA's SeCrEt LoVe ChIlD-*

The bell rings, and everyone gets up, in a hurry to leave, going back to their dorms.I stay in my seat, kinda having my head down. throughout the day, the depression of being alone and without family became stronger and stronger as hours pass. Aizawa makes his way to my desk, putting both of his hands on it, leaning forward slightly

"Get up" Aizawa Demands, I tilt my head slightly

"E-excuse me?" I question, not knowing where he was going with this, He sighs slightly, seemingly annoyed.

" I said Get up, now" Once he repeats himself, I stand, and he walks over to me. With no hesitation, he picks me up, and puts me over his shoulder. A tiny squeak escapes my mouth

"Shota! w-what are you doing?!" I said, kinda loud, I heard him chuckle gently

"What you need, Kitty cat" He purrs, and puts me in his sleeping bag, the sweet aroma of him surrounding me, He sits on the floor, Picks me up in his arms, and sets me on his lap. He cradles me, as if protecting me.

"What- what is this for?" I was slightly flustered, his bold actions caught me off guard, he lazily blinks at me, and smiles softly

"I seen what was happening in class... I seen you having a slight panic attack... and I know you being with me calms you, so I thought, a nice little cuddle session would help" He coos, with a smug expression, this man truly knows the way to my heart

"Well... you're not wrong, but at least warn me first dummy~" I tease slightly, and he chuckles once again, he had his back against the wall, as he began to rock himself. Him rocking forward and backwards, his back hitting the wall gently, rocking me with him, He brought my closer to his chest, and I  put my head against it... His heartbeat was calm, and his breaths even, my heart soon beats with his, which calms me down, and all I can think about, is him.

"Feeling better, kitty?" He pulls back slightly, his dark sliver eyes full of love and worry, I smile at him, and snuggle down into his sleeping bag more

"Very much so... thank you, Shota" I respond. He lets out a sigh, and I watched him get sleepy, his hair now draping over the sides of his face, I giggle and nuzzle into him, He fell asleep, and as did I, in his warm embrace.

(( So I thought a cuddly story this time would maybe combat the depression and sad we have had so far- hope you all enjoyed, and once again- I will be trying my best to put out stories more regularly!))

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