Black Girls Magic.

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    Looking left and right and satisfied that no one was looking at her, Lola sneaked into the class room.
   She walked briskly, hiding her face from the lecturer.
   She loves attention but not in this aspect. She doesn't want to be seen or known as the " late one".
   Quickly, she sat down on her sit. Satisfied and relaxed, she smiled at herself.

      She dipped her hand into her bag to get her note but a sharp pain stopped her half way.

      She got pinched at her hip, then turned to see, Nora, one of her close friend smiling at her.

       Nora winked at her then looked down. Immediately, Lola understood the sign.

      She bent down then leaned back to pick the piece of paper Nora threw beneath her desk.

     "Heh! Bitch, where the fuck have you been? Kissing your little sis ass as usual, isn't it?  Ha!ha!ha!, I wish I was there to see you yell!"
   " Bitch" Lola smiled, reading the letter.
  Picking up her pen, Lola wrote back.
    " How about this bitch, I was with Andrea, your ex, keeping his bed warm"

     She squeezed the piece of paper with a little smile of mischief then threw it to Nora.

    Nora, was too eager to read her reply. She forgot about her lectures and the man standing before the class.
    After reading the piece of paper, she giggled. Again she pinched Lola.
      " Fuck you, bitch" she whispered, waving her middle finger.

      " Nora, do you've have a question or perhaps some contribution to our topic?"  Mr. Adamson, who had noticed how distracted Nora was, called out.

      " No sir, am fine"

" If you're then let us learn in peace, please".

    Two more lecture then it was break period.

     Lola, couldn't wait to meet her friends, Nora and Catherine who were too eager to see her too, stood noisily at the door to the hall.

    " Where the fuck, was this bitch by six?" Catherine a brown skin girl with an alluring smile gibbered.

     " Exactly my thoughts, where has she been?" Nora chipped in.

    "Heh! Girls. I just slept off and woke up late. Last night party wasn't really for me. I was damn drunk" Lola muttered remembering her experience last night.

    " Yeah! I remembered dragging your drunk self home to your mama" Nora laughed.

   " Thank gracious! Your mama didn't yell at us" Catherine smiled.

     " What exactly, did you guys learn this morning? What did I miss?" Lola asked reluctantly.

     " Nothing really, darling"
" Except the fact we were having fun looking for the cutest guy around" Nora laughed.

   "And by We you mean You?" Catherine snapped.

    " Come on sweetheart, don't tell me, you don't like the hot sweet chocolate guy I brought to you?"

" I don't! He's too clingy"

" But Catherine, I thought you love clingy guys" for the first time, Lola picked an interest in their topic.

" What for? I don't"

" Alright, tomorrow's weekend, where are we spending it?" Nora asked.

   " You guys should come over to my home, my parent won't be around" Catherine suggested.

    " Alright! 6:00pm prompt" Nora gibbered. This is one thing she loves doing, partying!.
  " This is fun time, baby!"


   " Why does this always happens to me?" A sleepy looking Lola whose alarm clock wouldn't let her sleep some more, sputtered.

       She looked at the clock, it was 5:26pm. She had set the alarm at 4:30pm but it was past time.

      Lazily, she stood up from her bed then took her bathrobe. She only have thirty four minutes to get ready for a party by 6:00pm at Catherines' home.

    Quick, she had her bath and brushed up. It was a night party, she needed a simple wear. She wished to wear a sleeveless top and a piece of nicker.

     She sat down before her mirror for an exciting makeup.
  By the time she was ready it was 6:58pm.

   She got her pink little purse, stood up, satisfied and smiling at the gorgeous figure I see at the mirror.

  " Lola, mom said you should clean me up and throw my  poop away.

Allysa, Lola's baby sister prattled.

  " What the fuck! Is this?" Lola yelled in disgust.
" And why do I've to always clean your ass up? At two, you still need help to wash yourself up. When I was your age I could do better"

    " That's not true, Lola. I washed your ass and bathed you for good four years" Mrs. Adersson, who had been watching and listening to her girls chipped in.

   " Fine mom. You could do me  lots of good, first, by knocking on my door before coming in" Lola muttered a bit frustrated.

   " I've heard you. If you really wanna attend that party, clean your sister up first" without much words, her mum finalized.

    Quick, Lola took her sister to the bathroom. A bit frustrated and angry, she cleaned her up. By the time she was through, it was 7:18pm.

    Angrily and annoyed she undressed and locked herself in her room.

    " Can't really wait, when I'll have to leave alone in my very own home without having to take any shit or rules from anyone" she muttered more to herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2021 ⏰

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