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Nothing significant happened during my first two grades at elementary school, nothing significant in terms of sex, because in other aspects, while my mother had managed to find a decent guy, one of my uncles had also left his native Minnesota with his wife and children and moved to Shelbarne, New Hampshire, only an hour and a half away from our home! Auntie Angela continued her tour of Europe and sent us postcards that I avidly collected. I often went to Russell's house, he dreamed of becoming an airliner pilot and loved to see Auntie Angela's postcards. He was very attracted to England or Germany, where as Ionly had eyes for Paris and a bit of Slovenia. It's not only to show him the cards, that I loved going to Russell's, I considered him my best friend (even if Rose and Nolan were even more apart!), always the same protector, a bit greedy with peanut butter (which I hate), but deep down so nice. Russell's father ran the garage in New Shannon, and his sister, Kristen's mother did the accounting, so who cares? I liked being at their house because there was a pond with ducks and goldfish, but what I really liked was Boulder, Geronimo and Ursule, their three ponies, and I loved and still love horses. Ursule was the first pony I rode. 

It was at Russell's that my fourth encounter with sex took place and that experience changed something in me. At eight years old you don't always recognize right from wrong, but I know in hind sight that what happened was not "normal" and that it was a step towards immorality. Russell and I played by inventing all sorts of childish nonsense, imagining our future trip to Europe. It was a bit hot, we had planned to go to the small pool (no way I'm going near the big one!), try to catch some fish, in order not to get our clothes dirty, we had put on our underwear. To keep an eye on us, there was a 17/18 year old Canadian kid who wanted to specialize in truck mechanics, hence his nickname "Trucks", I had never paid attention to him, but Russell seemed to idolize him, Trucks was perfectly bilingual, he was cute,  but I didn't give a damn. Trucks stopped us just as we were about to get a lemonade.

"Hey,kids, where are you going in your underwear?

- We'regonna try fishing in the pond, Daddy said we could.

Oh, OK! But, I've got another idea, the three of us will play, we'll go to the playroom.

What are we gonna play?

You'll see, you'll like it, and if you're cool, I promise, I'll help you get your tadpoles. »

In Russell's playroom, there was a sofa bed and big cushions on the floor, surrounded by toys. Trucks told us to sit on cushions in front of the click-clack, we were still Russell and I in our underpants. I remember at that moment I felt the same emotion as when Margerys and her toilet plan came in, the quickening had come back into me. Trucks took off his dungarees and found himself in a wrap and underpants as well. Then we took off our tank tops, I noticed a prominence in Trucks' shorts, and as strange as it sounds, my eyes went to Russell who also had a prominence. Trucks sitting on the clicker was breathing hard, his eyes went from Russell to me and from me to Russell.

"Well, kids, have you ever seen any porn magazines?

What's this?

Books where people are all naked. Maybe you've even seen people naked in real life ?

Max and I looked at the girls' peckerchief and Max was naked with Margerys!

He was? You're a rascal! Have you seen any others?

Well... The same summer I saw Margerys naked, we did it with my cousin and some friends. The older of the two boys, he played with his pee-pee. Trucks put a hand in his pants...

Do you know what he was doing?

No, but, uh, he said it felt good.

Well, when a boy slides his hand around his pee-pee, they say he's giving himself a hand job, and yes, it does feel good. Don't you jerk off?

MY SEX-LIST  VOLUME 1 FIRST EXPERIENCESWhere stories live. Discover now