"Sir. Are you a friend of this woman?" I turned and raised a brow at the officer. I had no idea who he was talking about.

"Huh? Who?" I asked turning to face him completely.

"Miss. Scavo."

The surname of Estelle. Her aunt? Her cousin? No Amara is the only cousin she knows and she doesn't live here, that's for sure.

"My mother. Someone murdered her. God, it was disgusting. A messy kill, but they're saying they can't find any trace of the murder. What a bitch..." Estelle's cousin said, his voice filled with anger. "Why the hell would somebody do that...?" He questioned, mostly speaking to himself now.

"Sorry, but I don't know anything about her. I have to get to work now." I said, waving farewell to them and continued my walk to work.

Someone killed Estelle's aunt. She never told me anything about her. Wonder why?

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

I thought about telling Estelle about her aunt as we ate lunch. I don't know their relationship, but I know I should tell her.

"Your aunt." I started as she glanced up and stared at me, humming in response. "Seems she was murdered," I said trying to be calm as possible to not scare her.


3rd P.O.V.

"I know," Estelle said calmly. She had a small smirk and you could hear it in her voice.

"Did you pass by that path, as-well?" Levi asked as he stared at her suspiciously.

"Levi." She started, lifting her head and resting her chin on her folded hands. She had such a satisfied smile.

"The scars on my back. Their whip marks, that were caused by my aunt. She abused me, forced me to become a prostitute. That bitch really hurt me for the littlest things. I just got my revenge that's all." Estelle explained with anger and joy, at the same time.

Levi stared at her in shock. "You killed your aunt?" He asked in disbelief.

"You won't tell anyone. Right?" She asked, raising a brow.

So those years she lived with her aunt were hell. And she murdered her own aunt.

The bell rang before he could give her an answer. Estelle placed her lunch away and stood up walking towards the door. "Lunch is over. Don't tell anyone. That's an order." She turned and said with a smile as she opened to door.

Levi had gotten a headache, but it only lasted for a while. He nodded, stood, and took his own lunch, walking out the class and to his own.

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~

3rd P.O.V.

"Erwin!" Erwin turned around and saw Estelle running towards him. She let out a big sigh of exhaustion and stood up straight, not showing any sign of tiredness.

"Estelle? Weren't you supposed to leave an hour ago? I'm locking up the place." Erwin turned and faced her, confused as to why she's still here. It is around 5 pm

"Can I lock up? Maybe it'll help me know where everything is." She asked, giving him a smile.

Erwin thought about it and came to a conclusion. He nodded and waved good-bye to her, leaving the school.

Once Estelle locked up every class she went to the music room. The most soundproof room in the school. The instruments were very well muffled, which was great.

It's also great for someone who wants to shout their lungs out. It'll just be muffled.

Estelle walked into the room and closed the door behind her. She walked to the middle of the room and sat down on the seat.


She yelled in agony, realizing what she's done. She just leaned forward in the chair, sobs not stopping and yelling her lungs out.

"Shit. Shit! SHIT! What the FUCK did I do?! What the hell was I thinking? I've killed people, but what the fuck! I even got Levi involved..." She cursed and muttered to herself.

I can still remember her screams. My kills are quick, not slow... I just- wanted her to feel what I felt all those years...

I really fucked up...

•Drama• {Levi x Oc}Where stories live. Discover now