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‼️These are a couple of rules and regulations which the members of this group must adhere to.‼️

1) follow this account.

2) Create a special reading list for this book, so that you could add the books assigned to you would be kept there📖

3) It is compulsory to vote, comment and drop a constructive review on at least four chapters of the book assigned to you.

4)It is compulsory to follow the admins if you want your book to be reviewed when you get the book of the week.

5)No bullying or hateful comment will be tolerated.

6) Failure to complete the task given would attract a penalty.

7) you must tag this book club so it would be detected by the admins when commenting on the book assigner to you.
What is happening? #WRS

8) Admins must be present during their week rotation.

8)Do not bribe your admins in order to favour your book during judging.

9)The code is your favorite author.

10) Once assigned to a partner, you both have to choose any book on our list. I.e, books of each other or books of other members of the group. You can find them on our reading list.

11) Any of your books added to our reading list must have been tagged with #WRS. This will enable us have easy assess to all our members' books.


12)Admins not present during their weekly rotation would be dismissed if a valid reason is not submitted.

13)Members are to participate in any 7 of the week, assignments are to be turned in.

15)It is complusory for the members to follow up with the activities for the week and it is complusory for the members to follow the other members.

Warning ⚠️:If this rules are not followed you would be kicked out of the club


WRITTEN BY. ADMIN lissabae1 lissabae1

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