" We missed the turn so now we are going to be even more late. " Emily whines.

I ignore her as I make an illegal u-turn before driving off to where I had to turn right. Luckily the roads aren't that busy.

" Finally." Emily praises as we find a parking in the crowded parking lot. I can already see from here how packed the beach is.

Emily hops out of the car and heads for the trunk. I help her get everything out before we head over to the beach.

" There you guys are. " Zac, one of Emily's friends, say as he and his brother Jackson jog over to us.

They take the stuff out of our hands and lead us over to where a group of people are sitting.

" Finally. We thought you got lost." Trish, Emily's friend with the braces, laughs as we reach them. I notice that she and Samantha are holding hands as they sit next to each other. I wonder if they are together? I make a mental note to ask Emily once we get back.

" With Emily anything is possible." Jackson laughs.

Emily hits him playfully on the shoulder. " We lost our room key and Ally can't follow a GPS if it meant saving her life."

I throw her a quick glare.

" You're here!" I hear a girl giggle. I turn my attention towards Gabby, Emily's other friend, that is hanging on Parker, Tyler's friend. I feel like I'm referring everyone to someone's friend yet I'm not doing it for myself. Kind of sad.

" Oh Lord. Please tell me she isn't already drunk." Emily sighs.

Parker shrugs as he pulls Gabby onto his lap. She continues on giggling as he whispers something into her ear. Why the hell is everyone so romantic?

" Oh there's Ashton!" Emily shrieks before she's off to tackle the poor guy.

I chuckle as I watch the scene unfold in front of me. Zac calls me over to take a seat next to him and I do so. Conversation flows out between the group as the time passes by. Just as I thought I was having a good time, Tyler and Mason make their presence known. Wonderful.

" Hey gorgeous."

" Fuck off Mason." I say through gritted teeth. Can I hit him? Like just once I promise.

Mason winks at me before he's off to probably rub on some poor girl. I lit a cigarette just as Tyler sits down next to me with a smirk. I inhale the smoke before exhaling it slowly.

" Please leave the cheesy pick up lines for another girl." I say as soon as the smoke leaves my mouth.

" I don't need pick up lines to be smooth." Zac says from beside me which earns him a glare from Tyler. I laugh at his reaction before taking another pull.

" Do you want a drink? " Tyler asks as he gets up from his seat.

I nod in reply before he's off to fetch me a drink from one of the coolers. I drove here so I can't get wasted. I know my limits. One drink wouldn't hurt. I step on my now finished cigarette before throwing it into the plastic bag we use as a bin.

" Is he your boyfriend? " Zac asks.

" God no." I chuckle. I cringe just at the thought of me being in a relationship, especially with a guy like Tyler. Sure he brought me soup and all but I can't even remeber the last time I was in a relationship. It just doesn't seem like a good idea right now.

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