Guido Mista x Reader

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* Mostly just fluff in this, but I guess there's a little bit of a lime moment in the middle, so watch out for that. As always, enjoy! :) *

You had been an outcast pretty much all of your life. You never seemed to live up to your parent's standards, and you messed up all of your friendships. You ran away from home at the age of 17 and had been living on the streets ever since. One day, you were found by a blonde-haired boy who looked to be a bit younger than you, and you were taken to a large villa. The boy was Giorno Giovanna, the current Boss of the Italian Mafia, and he had spotted you scrounging on the streets and decided to take you in, and later inducted you into Passione. Due to being taken in by Giorno, you rose the ranks of Passione quickly, becoming his 5th highest subordinate, behind only Sheila E, Jean Pierre Polnareff and Guido Mista.

There was something special about Mista, but you didn't quite know what it was that made you think of him the way you did. He was slightly above average in height, standing at 5"10', had a somewhat peculiar sense of style that showed off his toned and fit body, was somewhat scruffy and was not the best well-kept when it came to self grooming. He also had crippling Tetraphobia, and his stand... well, as adorable as the Pistols were, their ability was nothing spectacular when compared to others. For example, Giorno's Gold Experience imbued life into any inanimate object it touched, Sheila E's Voodoo Child created lips that spoke the secrets of people who thought no one would hear, but Mista... his ability was more or less just aimbot, as much as you hated to put it that way. The thing that really made you think when it came to Mista's stand was the name. Sex Pistols. Of all the weird and wonderful things he could've named his stand, he picked that. Why? Because it sounded good? Was there a deeper meaning to it? Whenever anyone brought it up, you always seemed to start pondering it, and it ate away at you sometimes, but you would never ask him about it. Oh gosh no, that'd be such an awkward conversation.

Besides that, you were lucky enough to be given plenty of time to talk to Mista, as when Giorno had taken you in, he had been kind enough to let you live in the villa with him and his closest and most important subordinates, which of course included him. You found that he had a simple-minded and easy-going, yet silly and playful personality that you loved to be around. Whenever you two weren't on a mission, you would try to spend as much time with him as possible since his presence was so uplifting and he always put you in a good mood. You also discovered that since you two connected so well, you also worked together spectacularly on missions. You weren't often paired together, but every once in a while when you were, you would always get the job done quickly and efficiently, no matter the specifics.

This morning, you were called to Giorno's office to be briefed on a new mission. When you arrived, you saw Mista leaning against the wall just outside.

"Hey Guido, you been called for a briefing as well?" You asked. You wouldn't usually address him by his first name, but since you two were good friends, you were on a first-name basis with each other, but called each other by your last names around Giorno and on missions since it was business etiquette.

"Yeah. I was kinda hoping to get a day off today, but I guess not." He replied with a grin. "I was really looking forward to just chilling on the sofa with some cake too..."

You giggled, rolling your eyes at him playfully. 'Typical', you thought. You turned and knocked on the door sharply, taking a deep breath to compose yourself before entering your boss's study. Your knock was followed by a short "Come in." from inside, so you turned the doorknob and gently swung the door open, entering with Mista following just behind you. Shutting the door, you two walked over to the desk where Giorno sat patiently, greeting you both with a gentle smile.

"Bon giorno, Boss" You and Mista said in tandem, bowing your heads slightly in respect.

"Come on guys, I told you before that you don't need to call me Boss. You're two of my closest friends, so formalities aren't necessary." Giorno said with a light chuckle, his face straightening a moment later as he opened his mouth once more to explain your mission. "Okay, your mission. There's a low-rank group of ours in Imperia who have been causing some trouble lately. I've received word that they've been ignoring the new guidelines and have started a drug trade behind my back. What I need you two to do is to go to Imperia, track them down, and do a bit of undercover work for me. While I have no doubt the person who reported this to me is telling the truth, it is still just a rumour, so I need you two to find out if this is true or not. Once you've found them and discovered the truth, give me a call and relay the information back to me. I'll tell you what to do next then." You and Mista nodded in acknowledgement.

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