She rubbed the back of her neck, "You're actually doing the challenge?"

"Uh, Yeah? Why?" (Y/n) questioned.

Mina eyes then shined as if they were going to burst into tears. "I-I thought we were best friendssssss. WAHHH-"

"We are? Why are you whining?"

Mina looked straight into her eyes and did a pouty face, "You didn't tell me you had a crush."

"Pff- is this what's this is about?" (Y/n) questioned once more.


"Close the door and I'll explain."

Mina turned around and shut the door. She then went over and sat on (Y/n)'s bed. "So?"

(Y/n) opened her mouth looking for the right words, "I was actually gonna talk to you about it but uh- I don't really have a crush like I said in the tiktok but I have been thinking about someone recently."

"Spill the beans already woman!" The pink hair girl said impatiently.

"Okay Okay, sheesh-," (Y/n) grabbed her pillow to cover her face, "It's uh Bakugo."


(Y/n) jumped up and covered Mina's mouth, "D-don't be so loud!" Mina nodded and (Y/n) removed her hands. "But yeah it is."

"Why would you pick someone like him? Why not someone like Denki? Or Midoriya? Or Kiri? Or anyone else for that matter?" Mina looked at the (y/h/c) haired girl.

(Y/n) looked up at her ceiling while laying back down, "don't know, he just came to mind when you first told me about the trend. Maybe because I pranked him that one time, remember the fake confession?"

Mina nodded, "So do you actually have feelings for him or is it because of the trend?"

"I think just the trend, but maybe I might have feelings for him eventually?" (Y/n) looked at Mina once more.

Although this time (Y/n) was a bit confused with her expression. The pink hair girl looked somewhat upset.

"What's wrong Mina?"

Mina looked at her (e/c) eyes once more, "It's just, Katsuki is still my friend. I don't want you to hurt him because in the end you don't like him or vise versa. I don't want you getting hurt."

(Y/n) thought about it for a minute. "What if I do fall for him and he doesn't to me or it's the other way around?"

Then it hit her.

"It's only a tiktok Mina don't worry. Plus, I know for sure that Bakugo won't fall for me, he doesn't feel that way remember? And~ if I do fall for him, I'll just have to make loverboy fall for me too." (Y/n) grinned.

Mina crossed her arms, "And how are you gonna do that Missy?"

(Y/n) giggled, "A girl has her ways."

"Hmm~," Mina hesitantly accepted, " Okay, but just incase of anything, I'll be here for the both of you okay?"

(Y/n) then got up once more and hugged Mina. "Thanks Mina, you're the best, best friend I could ever have."

Put a Finger Down | katsuki b.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें