1.8 Rage and Serenity

Start from the beginning

"I don't, I don't know." I respond and we both look confused. "I thought about really wanting to be at the finish line." I tell him.

"Okay, think about really wanting to be...in the kitchen." He exclaims. I do so and I end up in the kitchen. Then I think about being next to Erik and appear next to him.

"Wow!" I chuckle with amazement. "I went into the kitchen, the I came out here with you!" I exclaim as he pulls me into a spinning hug. "Erik you found a new power!" I squeal as he twirls me.

"What is going on here?" We hear Charles voice approach.

"Charles, Charles I have a new power! I can teleport, I'm not sure how far, but I can!!" I shout, run and hug him.

"Fascinating." He hugs me back.

"We will discover more later, but for now let's help Erik." He tells me. Erik hands Charles a gun and points it right at his head.

"You sure?" Charles asks him.

"I'm sure." Erik readies himself.

"Got it." Charles responds getting closer to the trigger. He's getting closer to pulling it so. I grab his hand out of fear. "No! No, I can't! I'm sorry. I can't shoot anybody in point blank, let alone my friend." Charles lowers the gun.

"Oh, come on! You know I can deflect it." Erik takes Charles's hand that's holding the gun and points the gun at his head again. "You're always telling me I should push myself."

"If you know you can deflect it, then you're not challenging yourself! Whatever happened to the man who's...who's trying to raise a submarine?" Charles begins to argue.

"Well, I can't! Something that big, I...I need the situation, the anger." Erik defends as I let go of Charles's hand and take his.

"Erik, you don't need the anger." I say and he calms down.

"No, the anger is not enough." Charles explains.

"Well, it's gotten the job done all this time." Erik fights.

"It's nearly gotten you killed all this time." Charles snaps.

"We don't want you to die Erik." I plead. "I don't want you to die." I tell him and we stare at each other. Charles clears his throat, causing us to turn towards him and I blush.

"You see that?" Charles points to a giant satellite dish a few miles away from us. "Try turning it to face us." Erik puts his hands up and tries using his power to turn the dish but fails. "You know, I believe that true focus lies somewhere between rage and serenity." Charles explains. "Would you mind if I...?" Charles motions to reading Eriks mind. Something changes because a tear rolls down from Erik's cheek.

"What did you just do to me?" Erik asks, very shook from the previous scene.

"I accessed the brightest corner of your memory system. It's a very beautiful memory, Erik. Thank you." Charles nods to him, I look away, knowing I shouldn't really be here.

"I didn't know I still had that." Erik mutters out.

"There's so much more to you than you know. Not just pain and anger. There's good to you, I felt it. And when you can access all that, you'll posses a power no one can match. Not even me. So, come on. Try again?" Charles implores. Erik reaches out and slowly turns the dish and begins laughing with joy. We follow and I put my arm around both their shoulders in amazement.

"Good job guys!" I squeal.

"Let's all go help Sean, Hank has made some modifications." Charles explains and we follow him.

"You truly believe I'll fly this time?" Sean asks us.

"Unreservedly." Charles answers.

"I trust you." Sean points to Charles and me.

"I'm touched." We reply.

"I don't trust him." Sean points to Hank.

"Say nothing." Charles calms Hank down. We are on top of the satellite dish now, a fall would lead to Sean's death.

"I'm gonna die!" He screams.

Charles sighs, "All right. Look, we're not gonna make you do anything you don't feel comfortable with, all right?" Erik suddenly approaches.

"Here let me help." Erik responds, pushing Sean off the satellite and then he screams and starts flying. We all cheer.

"Erik!" Charles gives Erik a look as Sean is flying around us.

"What? You know you were thinking the same." Erik sasses and I begin to laugh. We all begin to go down and watch Sean fly as Charles pulls me aside.

"Now it's time for your training." He smirks and I follow him into the library. "You're quite good already, but now I need to see what you're capable of."

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