Roommates | Matthew Gray Gubler

Start from the beginning

"We should do this more often," I said. "I would agree if my ass wasn't on the line right now," he grumbled.

A while later, we were laughing at a Tik Tok when Matthew opened the door. He looked at his friend and I laid up in the bed with a "really?" expression. 

Like a good friend (a punk), Ethan got up, patting me on the head. "See ya later, sweets. I'll let myself out."

Matthew just watched him leave the room.

"Hey boo," I said, turning on my side to look at him with a mocking smile.

"Kels, why are you messing with me?" he asked in a level voice.

"Why are you messing with me?" I screeched, escalating the situation by standing up on the bed in front of him.

He didn't take my bait. Instead he just looked around the room, eyes landing on my computer. "Your computer's just fine."

"Yes," I looked back down at my phone because he obviously wasn't trying to say shit. Men are so stupid.

"Do you fuck with Ethan?" he said finally, still standing in the door frame.

"Yes. On a friendly level. I like to cuddle with good men."

At that, he dropped onto the bed beside me.

"I meant what I said earlier. I know you were mad about it. But I meant it," he said, reaching out a hand to trace the side of my face.

"'ve never even said that you liked me," I said, turning to look into his eyes.

"I know," he grinned wickedly. " But I've been saying you're mine since day one. Who does your laundry? Who takes your car to get serviced? Who pays your phone bill?"

I looked at him incredulously. "First of all, I didn't know you paid my phone bill! I thought I just had it on automatic payments."

His eyes were amused as he continued. "Who deposits your part of the rent into a savings account?"

I tried to push him off the bed but he held his own.

"We go together, Kels," he said, finally letting out a laugh and pulling me into his side.

I was still in shock. "We're basically married," I thought aloud, looking up at his chin.

"Barely. There are quite a few marital benefits that we have not taken advantage of."

I knew he was saying that to make me laugh, but I was still processing everything. It's not that I've never thought about what it would be like to be with Matthew, but honestly, even with all of the things that he did for me, I thought we were just going to be really good friends-- so I'd always ignored my attraction to him.

"How do you know I like you though?" I asked him.

He smirked down at me. "I just do. You wouldn't even let me touch you right now if you didn't."

"Maybe I just don't want to make my sugar daddy mad," I said teasingly, pushing closer to him.

He scoffed. Too quickly for me to even think about it, he leaned down to kiss me on the lips, once, twice, and then I was mentally gone.

The more he touched me, I felt myself getting a little too hype so I tried to break away. He only let me pull a breath away from him. "Okay, okay, I like you,"I let out quickly. He smiled in satisfaction.

"I thought so," he said, then pulled me in again for another long kiss. Sweet Jesus.

He let me go and I promptly started to lose it. "What are you thinking about?" he asked, tracing my lips with his finger. I moved away from him so I could think straight.

"I'm drafting a list of boundaries now that I really am a live in girlfriend."

"Like?" he pressed, clearly not impressed by my statement.

"You cannot enter my room without knocking, you cannot use my bathroom, you cannot eat my leftovers. You cannot sleep in my bed more then 3 times a week."

"Hmm," he rubbed his chin as if deep in thought. "If I propose to you right now, can we forget those rules?"

My jaw dropped for the 89th time today. "You wouldn't," I whispered.

"I would," he said with a smile on his face. I honestly believed him. Lord, this man is crazy.

I guess he saw my wary expression, because he assured me he was sort of kidding.

"I'll be cool for now, you can have your little boundaries. We'll go slow. It doesn't change the truth though. You're mine and I'm yours. Okay?" His thumb was back to tracing my lips in a way that made me want to just say yes to everything.

"Okay, roomie- sugar daddy- boyfriend."

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