The campsite

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Half way to thet campsite i got off of the dirt bike so it would be harder to follow the tracks.

Walking through the woods felt relaxing despite my situation. The air was cool and the sun just started to set.

After twenty minutes of walking i made it to the campsite. The tent was a triangular shaped tent and each corner was tied to a tree and raised fifteen feet in the air. A rope hanging from the middle leading to a hole. I hid the bike in the busches and climbed up. My legs were tired and my head ached so i took a nap.

I woke up to the sound of something moving through the bushes. I looked outside from the hole and it was the red head girl from earlier, she was moving the bushes i put in front of the bike.

"What is this doing out here", i heard her say.

"Because i put it there".

She looked around and then up and she saw my head poking out of a hole in the camo tent.

"What are you going up there" she giggled.

"Um hiding"

"From who" she said looking confused.

"...... I'm not even sure".


"What are you doing out here", i asked.

"Just hunting", she said throwing a crossbow over her shoulder.

"....... can i come up.."

"Um... S-sure i guess" my face felt like it was on fire, she was beautiful.

She climbed up and put her crossbow down.

"Wait aren't you the kid that was in the explosion".


"How are you alive".

"I-I don't know, i wish i wasn't".



"Don't ever say that, life if precious you shouldn't just throw it away".

"Then why were my mother, brother and sister lives taken from them. If it's so precious why is it so easy to take it", i said as tears filled my eyes.

And then she grabbed my head and hugged me and said "It's ok, let it out I'm here for you".

I just let it out and burst into tears, i don't even know this girl but I'm beginning to like her she's this nice to a nobody like me.


I woke up and the tent was falling down.


"What the heck was that".

"I don't know, one of the branches must've snap".

We found way out and there was a light in our face, and two men holding guns facing us. Then i realized they had cut the rope holding the tent up.

"Jason Smith you're coming with us".

I recognized the clothes they were wearing. They were the same guys in the house before the explosion.

"You blew up my family, why the heck would i go with you".

"... um because we have guns... And can shoot your leg if you refuse, i kinda thought that would obvious".

"...damn it". I whispered.

And then the red head tried to go for her crossbow, but they shot her leg before she even got close to it.

"Really, did we not make it clear that we would shoot if you tried anything".

I ran to her side.

"You ok...".

"Rachel ,my name is Rachel. Yeah I'm ok, except there is a whole in my leg now".

"Fine we'll go with you".

"Then turn around and get on your knees".

I turned around and...


I was out cold.


ps. The more votes the more i will post.

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