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"so byers, watcha wanna do today" matteo asked joyfully, skipping down the stairs from wills bedroom. will was following behind, attempted to tug out the many braids diaz had made in his hair.

"uhh i don't know, i just moved into this town. you'd know better than i would what there is to do" will replied, finally undoing the last braid. he glanced in the mirror and groaned. his hair was wavy now.

"look what you've done matteo" will said pointing at his head. matteo simply giggled and ruffled wills hair. "i think it looks cute." he stated and walked over to the door.

"where are you going matteo"

"i'm bringing you out to breakfast in my favourite diner. so hurry up" the boy said with an affectionate grin

wills cheeks flushed. if he hadn't known better he would've thought this was a date but it's the 80's and two guys going out for breakfast, or anything in general is rarely viewed as anything other than platonic.

together the two boys walked down the road, fall breeze blowing their hair around. leaves floated through the air before landing on the cold ground. it was like something out of a painting.

will began to shiver nearly halfway there so matteo wrapped his coat around wills shoulders and took wills hand for "extra warmth". will intertwined his fingers through matteos. matteo began to rub circles on the top of wills hand, a smile spreading across his face.

the last person to show affection to him like that was mike. it's why he was scared to let matteo in. he saw so many similarities between how both boys treated him, (matteo was much better but still) and if mike only ever saw will as a friend. it was nearly impossible for matteo to like him as anything more.

both boys, matteo and will, were starved. they were starved from love and affection. their whole lives they'd given so much out and gotten nothing in return. from the people they liked, their friends, their family. yet, when they met eachother. they finally had gotten the love they deserve.

when they stepped into the diner, wills hand still in matteos. will felt more at home than he ever had in hawkins. he felt at peace.

this was a new start, a fresh beginning. mike, the upside down, his horrible past. it was all nothing but a memory, a bad nightmare. in his new town, he could finally have the life he so badly wanted. friends that appreciated him, maybe a guy that liked him back, a better family life. everything.

at first he had hated having to leave, but sometimes momentary sadness and pain is a blessing in disguise. maybe this is what will needed to truly be happy again, for the first time in years.

will looked up and matteo and smiled.

"thank you" he whispered

matteo frowned, confused but simply ruffled wills hair and said "anytime"

how to mend a broken heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora