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"will?" matteo said completely ignoring riley, "the hell are you doing here"

"uh i-im just hanging out with riley" will said, flinching at the fact he stuttered.

matteo frowned and stepped inside, "since when are you two friends?"

"since today!" riley said with a smile. "will is the cutest kid ever i've already decided he's gonna be my new bestfriend"

will didn't hear what matteo said back to that as he was too focused on the bruises covering matteos gorgeous face. "what happened matteo?" will asked, completely interrupting riley and matteos conversation.

"it's nothing byers, don't worry about it" matteo said firmly but he smiled at will to ensure will knew he wasn't mad

"riley can i stay over tonight, i don't wanna go home." matteo asked, trying to say it like he didn't care but both riley and will could tell he was practically begging

"matteo im sorry, you know my parents would never let that happen" riley glumly stated

matteo grimaced, will moved slightly closer to the other boy. "you can stay at my place matteo"

matteo looked at will in surprise, "really?"

"yeah i mean if you want" will said softly.

matteo smiled, "yeah thanks kid"

riley looked between the two boys with raised eyebrows. "well i have homework to do before my parents get home so you both best be going."

will smiled, "okay thanks for having me over riley, i had fun. and thanks for the kittens"

"anytime kiddo, we gotta hang out again soon. you're probably the coolest person in this lame ass town." she said ruffling wills hair

"okay ouch" matteo said playfully pouting

riley simply flipped matteo off, "call me when you wanna hang out, matteo will give you my number"

matteo rolled his eyes and picked up the crate holding els new kitten. he opened the front so will could put his kitten inside.

riley waved to both of them then walked upstairs leaving the two boys alone.

will reached out to grab the crate from matteo but matteo gently pushed his hand away. "i've got it will, you already have to carry all your school things"

the two boys walked over to joyce's car and climbed in. "hey boys", she said with a grin.

"hey", matteo said quietly, will had never seen him so reserved and shy before.

"so you must be matteo, i've heard a lot about you" joyce said with a smirk and she started the car and starting driving off to the byers house

will glared daggers at his mom while his cheeks turned a bright red.

matteo simply smirked at will and turned to look out the window. the rest of the car ride was silent. no one breathed a word until they pulled up at the byers residence.

for the first time will became aware of how much smaller his house was than most people in the town. however will loved it, he found it cute and like something out of a book. but he still found himself looking over to matteo for his opinion

matteo stepped out of the car with a soft smile spread across his beautiful features. his hands still clutching the crate containing the two kittens. "your house is so cute byers"

"you think so?" will said softly

"yeah i do" matteo assured him, ruffling the smaller boys hair.

joyce smiled at the two boys. "i'll be in the kitchen making dinner if you need anything, jonathan's out with el for tonight i think they're going to see a movie and then for dinner, some sibling bonding ya know. anyways have fun, i'll call you down when dinners ready". then she left, leaving the two boys alone.

"wanna show me to your room byers?" matteo asked smiling back at will, walking over to the front door.

"yeah sure! i'm coming" will answred catching up to matteo. matteo opened the door and held it open for will

"after you!"

and with that the two boys stepped into the home


what the byers house sorta looks like :)

what the byers house sorta looks like :)

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