Chapter 4

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did i work on this chapter instead of the next one for i hate it here? yes. do i regret it? absolutely. im getting really tired lately so my solution is to get no sleep. im v smart. anyways here we go!

Shuichi's thoughts were racing. It was very hard for him to get a solid thought in. He knew he had to stay calm to think of a plan to get Kokichi and Himiko back, but it was so difficult. "S-Shuichi?" The detective turned to see Tenko, still focused on the road. She had puffy eyes and a red nose, with tear-stained cheeks that made Shuichi pity the aikido master.

"Promise me something. Promise me that you'll get Himiko back. Or I'll t-throw you into next Sunday!" Tenko tried her best to sound tough, but it was no use. Nobody knew what they were dealing with. Nobody knew how bad the situation would turn out to be.

Shuichi thought of a plan to get the two back, though it was complicated and risky. It had plenty of room for last second actions, but it made Shuichi nervous. "Okay, does everyone know what to do?" he asked he group when they were a couple blocks from the street. They all nodded or showed expressions of approval. "Let's get our friends back."

Tenko parked the truck in a secluded area, then the others split up. She was to stay behind with Angie just in-case someone found the missing Ultimates or they came back themselves. Shuichi also stayed behind to further analyze Kokichi's clues and communicate instructions to the rest. Gonta, Kirumi, Miu, and Ryoma checked the south part of the street, which looked abandoned and rugged. Almost like it came out of a movie scene where the drug dealers appear.

Rantaro, Keebo, Tsumugi, and Kiyo took the opposite side, which was full of restaurants and people. The rest went in any direction they could, asking for suspicious behavior, people, or a car that fit the description that was given to them. Eventually, Gonta noticed the car parked in an alleyway by a warehouse, and told Shuichi so he could tell the others to meet where the location Gonta described was.

Maki snuck about using her talents to get information on what was happening inside. She couldn't believe what she had seen. Maki was horrified. Still, she kept somewhat calm and told the others vaguely what she saw.

(just incase you get confused, the next part of the story will be written in third person, but it will cover the events of what maki saw and what was happening to kokichi and himiko while the others were driving and investigating. i will be putting dividers up for when the perspectives change. also, i have no experience in what is about to happen, so this might be completely inaccurate and triggering to some. TW: sexual trauma. apologies for any inconveniences in the writing, because i know i cant write for shit. its just for kokichi's character development, if that makes sense. and no, i am not viewing real trauma as just "character development." the original was much worse. look out for <> dividers if you are skipping it)

Kokichi woke up inside an abandoned warehouse. Most of his clothes were torn or off completely, and the room was very cold. He looked beside him to see a panicked Himiko, who couldn't speak with the high grade duct tape on her mouth. Kokichi then noticed his and his companion's condition. They were tied up, with a lot of their clothes gone. He needed to come up with a plan to escape, and fast if they wanted to make it out alive.

The clues he left were out in the store, so he was confident the others would get them. However, Kokichi didn't know what was going to happen to them, nor how soon they would be saved. Himiko gave another worried look, as if asking, "Will we be okay?"

Except he couldn't answer that with his eyes in return.

He couldn't answer at all.

"I see you're finally awake..." an deep, ominous voice rang throughout the building, though its owner showed up just before the two. He looked to be in his late 30s, early 40s. He also had a shadow of a beard, as well as the creepy stare. (its not haji i swear)

The man removed the tape from the mouths of his captives. "W-What do you want from us?" Himiko trembled out. Kokichi broke free from his ropes and stood in front of the redhead, trying to protect her. Because no matter how much he flaunted his mask to others, he couldn't care less about his own life, and would give it up to protect the ones he needed to, especially those who he wronged in the killing game.

"Don't touch her, you weirdo." Kokichi snapped. "Relax, relax." the man said. "If I can't have her, I'll take you instead!" He snatched Kokichi by his arm and pulled out a knife from the deep pocket of his coat, then cut Kokichi's wrist many times until the liar's famous mask broke.

He and Himiko screamed for him to stop, while the man just gave them a sadistic smile in return. "Yes, YES! Put on an elaborate show and dance for me, pathetic little-"

"STOP! Please, anything! I'll do anything to make you stop if you just leave Kokichi alone..." Himiko begged, while Kokichi's eyes filled with tears and shock, pleading with her not to make that sacrifice. But Himiko didn't listen, and the man didn't care. Her heart was still too filled with guilt and the weight of uselessness in these situations. She needed to do something.

"Ooh, funsies! We get a new friend to play with, isn't this fun Kokichi?" the man asked in an eerie, yet sadistic and playful tone that had malice dripping from every sound.

"I'll never play your twisted game." Kokichi glared at the man, who only proceeded to cut him more. He then threw the weak and bloody Kokichi to the ground and proceeded to take Himiko's magician attire off of her fragile body. Kokichi couldn't move. His arms were bleeding, as well as other parts of his body. Himiko was.... I will not discuss what was going on, but she was also getting harmed in the process.

'Please Shuichi, hurry up!"

<that was the most uncomfortable thing to write.>

Shuichi broke the door down to see an (almost completely) naked, unconscious, and bleeding Himiko, with Kokichi in the same condition. Miu and Tenko ran to get their fallen friends some cover and support while Kirumi called the ambulance and police. The man was arrested after attempting to flee, but Shuichi once again saw the look in his eyes, that same look that made him wear that hat. This time, however, he felt no sympathy towards this man. He felt proud that he saved his friends, without his regular hesitation.

"Kokichi, are you sure you're okay? Your injuries are worse than Himiko's!" Shuichi was worried. The purple haired boy woke up shortly in the hospital and demanded to be released. His body was all bandaged, but Kokichi limped out to escape the hospital multiple times with no result.

"I'm fine Shuichi. Just get me out of here!" Kokichi started to get up again, but was stopped by the detective.

"Why do you want to leave so badly? The doctors are trying to help you. Besides, what even happened in that warehouse?"

Kokichi's eyes, body, and mind went stiff for a moment, then he put on his mask and let the crocodile tears pour down his pale, rosy cheeks.

"WAAAAAAH SHUICHI THEY'RE GONNA GIVE ME SHOTS! SAVE ME SHUMAI!" Kokichi put on the most dramatic show he could, while Shuichi laughed.

"You still haven't answered my other question though." Shuichi pushed on. Kokichi once again went stiff. "I... I... no thanks. Where's Tenko anyways?"

Kokichi searched for an explanation to why he couldn't answer the question. He knew what he wanted to say, but his mouth wouldn't speak the words he wished to let Shuichi hear. He wanted help, so badly. So, he asked for the location of the one person who could help him, who could understand.

Tenko Chabashira, the Ultimate Aikido Master.

if you figured it out already, and have suffered through something similar, you aren't alone. i am once again sorry  if i offended or triggered anyone since i know i cannot write scenes like this well.

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