Chapter 6: Annabeth

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A/N I am ashamed in myself.  I am sooo sorry for leaving you guys!  There really is no good excuse either, beside not enough time and far too little ideas.  I will try to never do this again to you guys. 

By the way, don’t hate me.  This chapter ends in a HUGE cliffhanger.

I.                    Mean.       GIGANITIC.

Cataclysmic, even.  I love it.  Allright well I will talk to you more at the end! Here’s chapter 6.

Chapter 6:


Annabeth was terrified.  She should have died many times, but now she was going to for sure.  Even with all of her brains and wits, she could see no way out of this.  No army of clones was coming to the rescue, and she couldn’t just melt the chains like Leo would have.  This was sooo not good.  Percy looked like he was concentrating hard.  His eyes were closed, and his brow was furrowed.  However, for all the good the constipated look on his face was doing, the monsters kept advancing.  The Chimaera was leading the charge.  Oh goody, another monster that already had a grudge against them, and nothing to stop her now.  She seemed to be focused on Percy though.  She was getting closer… Percy’s eyes were still closed! The Chimaera was almost on top of him now, and Annabeth screamed.  Percy’s eyes flew open with a look of panic.  He yelled and the Chimaera, which was just about to slice into him, was thrown backwards.  “Oh hell yes!” Percy exclaimed.  Annabeth was very confused.   Percy stomped down, and the ground seemed to shake and the monsters lost their balance and fell.  Of course!  Percy’s dad was also called the Earthshaker.  However, for all the good his newfound power did, they were still chained up, and the monsters still couldn’t die. 

            The next few hours were a blur.  Somehow they managed to escape the chains that bound them, which was good, but now they were fighting like mad.  And they were tiring quickly.  Annabeth grunted as a sphinx clawed her shoulder.  Curiously enough she didn’t really register the pain, but Annabeth figured that the adrenaline that was pumping though her must be keeping the pain at bay.  She quickly cut the paw off and then slit the sphinx’s throat.  The monster disintegrated into dust, and Annabeth turned back to the battle, her eyes searching out Percy.  They were both fighting desperately, slashing and hacking at monsters like their life depended on it, because, well, it did.  Percy was going one-on-one with a hydra, stabbing it instead of chopping the heads off so they didn’t regrow.  The dynamic duo fought and fought, sometimes back to back, other times fighting far away from eachother, but somehow they stayed alive for those hours.  However, Annabeth knew that they could not keep it up for much longer.  Both of the demigods were horridly injured even prior to being captured, and even though fights to the death were never good, Annabeth would have at least liked to be healed before she was captured.   They cut and gashed their enemies, but the monsters were simply too numerous.  Annabeth was fighting towards Percy, and Percy was fighting towards her.  They met in the middle of the arena.  Percy grinned his crazy grin, dripping blood, wounded and beaten, but to Annabeth he had never looked better.  There was a slightly insane look in his eyes.  “May as well go down in a blaze of glory, shall we charge my dear Wise Girl?”

Annabeth grinned “Oh we shall my lovely Seaweed brain.”

With that statement, they crapped eachother’s hands and screamed bloody murder as they charged into the fray once again.  It was utter mayhem. 

The monsters just got worse.  Every time they would cut one down, another would pop up in its place, never giving them time to rest.  The creatures in the stands called out insults and booed the two demigods.  Annabeth couldn’t count how many times they had saved eachother’s lives, but all it took was one more cut, one more tricky shot and they were done for.  “Annabeth!” She turned and intercepted the knife that was headed for her spine.  Now Percy’s back was to her.  She kept fighting.  Then, through the din, cut a sound.  It was a clean, small sound, but to Annabeth it was the worst sound in the world.  A little schlick came from behind her.  Annabeth turned in time to see a sword point protrude from Percy’s back.  Oh gods no, nonononononoNO! Not Percy! The sword was pulled back, and Percy dropped to his knees as if the only thing holding him up was the blade in his chest.  Blood began to pour out of the ragged hole in his back.  Annabeth watched in numb unbelieving horror as the pool of blood grew around Percy.  “A-a-nnabeth” Percy’s weak voice was barely loud enough to reach her ears.  She knelt in front of him.  The monsters had subsided and were watching them from a distance.  However, one lone man stood in the center, holding a sword with a cruel, amused glint in his eyes.  The sword was dripping blood. Percy’s blood.  There were tears in her eyes as Annabeth turned back to Percy. 

“No, look Percy, it’s not that bad, just let me patch you up, come on we have to find the doors of death and…” Annabeth’s voice trailed off as Percy’s gaze saddened.  He was pale beneath the layer of grime.  Annabeth realized she was gripping his shirt, and her hands were stained a dark red. 

“Annabeth. You have to go on” he coughed, blood at the corner of his mouth “and defeat Gaea.  Find the Doors…” another wet cough.  The red substance was dripping down his chin now “tell everybody that I love them.  Tell my mom—“ cough “that I love her and am sorry I didn’t tell her enough.”  Annabeth was blind with tears.  The boy she loved was dying in her arms and she couldn’t stop it.  “Listen to me.”  Percy raised a week hand and brought her tearstained face to his bloody one. “You have to save yourself.  Don’t pity me, I always knew I would die young.  Please…” his voice was getting weaker and weaker as coughs and convulsions wracked his body. “I love you Annabeth. Don’t ever forget it.”  Annabeth held him tighter in her arms, never wanting to let him go.  With his last breath, still looking in Annabeth’s eyes, blood pouring out of his chest, Percy Jackson died.

A/N Please don’t hate me! You are just going to have to wait for the next Tartarus chapter to see what happens.  Yeah my computer crashed right in the middle of the battle and I had to type it all again otherwise I would have had it up hours ago.  I would like to extend a sincere apology to anybody who likes this story.  I am a huge assbutt for not updating in FOREVER!  However, I have some good ideas for the next chapter so it should be up relatively quickly.   I love anybody and all of you who stuck with me through this writers block (I know, I’m making it sound like I’m a recovering addict or something).  And a big shoutout to PandasAreEvil456 for trying to help me, even though I thought of this before she got back to me.  But hey, it’s the thought that counts!  So vote, fan me, comment and tell me what an asshole I am, and if anybody caught the reference to a TV show I put in the author’s note, I will dedicate the next chapter to you! again, I’m terribly sorry… love you all!!!! <3 (::) here, have some cookies!

Stay Foolish!

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