Iida you-....hypocritical bastard?

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Tylie:I'm back! Break's over ever tone 5 reform a circle!
Iida use to curse.....in icecream Favour's
Kami: wait...what?
The (just in case) screen lit uprising a kid Iida was showed standing in front of the screen looking straight into the camera
Uraraka: Awwww you were so cute Iida-kun!
Mina:Yeah you were Adorable!
Some of the other classmates started to agree(I was about to put girls but decided boys would find kid iida too so why not?)
Iida just slowly shrunk were he sat
Iida:why are you recording?
Uraraka: oooooh
Tensei: nevermind that just tell me what happened a teenage sounding tensei spoke up
Deku:woahhh is that your brother!
Iida: why yes it is Midoryia
Iida: ok then...I keep cursing in ice cream flavours and Mom has told me to stop.. Update I still haven't stopped..
Tensei:how do you curse in Ice cream Flavours?
-:Thank you!
Iida then got red Cheeks puffed up and everything
Mina:Awww screenshot!
Tylie:shhhh sonic shhhhh
Tensei: holy- Iida then ran up And punched Tensei in the gut making him drop the camera and causing the screen to go black
Bakugou:Ha damn Four eyes
Uraraka:Holy is right!
Iida just kept sulking in his chair
Tylie:As yes Time to get my Mineta Stan Shirt-

Uraraka:why does she look like that?!?!?
The wall suddenly zippered(?) open as Andy poked her head through.
Andy:It happens kid.
Andy turn out her head back though and ziped back up the wall.
The screen lit up again
It showed mineta....
Jirou:why are we watching the grapist?
Tylie looked at her pointed at her shirt an looked back at the screen
... getting up and walking outside of the room he then Came back in an oversizejirod with cats a bunch of cats carrying him back into his room as he Sipped Fine grape juice While his cat Army meowed happily in his presence
:-Mineta what the heck-
Mineta laughed nervously and just shot Finger guns at them to try to get them disgusted so they'd turn away or yeet him he doesn't know why but he gets some weird feelings of being yeeted like it's happened before even when he's joking..... weird
Tylie: k now how about some Kid iida moments because For some reason Author' feels for Iida embarrassment instead of mineta so your safe....for now
The screen lit up again
Iida was seen playing blocks
The girls started cooing wholesome boys had to turn away at the risk of being caught doing the same thing.
He was infront camera again but this time Tensei and Midnight Came and walked in the screen
Tensei:oh yeah it was tenya's first day at school Tensei then turned to Iida Hey Tenya wanna tell Midnight what you learnt to day today wanna tell me?
Tenya looked over at Tensei and deadpanned at Tensei
Tenya:uh this is One and this is too it's called Math Tenya held up two blocks As he said this
Kami:wait...did you not like math?!?!?!
Iida:no I was fasinated with it I was just...new to the concept ...yeah
Iida's mom walked up to Iida
Mrs. Iida: Hey Tenya honey do you want a brother?
Tenya shook his head no
Mina: I wouldn't mind having a brother Imagine all the stuff I can dress him up in!!
Uraraka:Meh my family can afford another Child...
Momo:gosh darnit Take my Wallet already!
Bakugo:why can't you say Goddammit. Like a normal person
Bakugou muttered to himself but Kiri heard him and Shoved him in the gut
Bakugou:Ah Goddammit Shitty Hair!
Kiri:stop It bakubro and my hair isn't much different from yours!
Back to Uraraka you could see Momo and Iida shoving wallets in her face while Shoto stood to the side offering Endeavor's Credit card(Momo Iida and Shoto auto corrected to Mimi Kid and Shoot why?!?!?!)
Mrs. Iida: Do you want a sister?
Iida: looked up at her and said noo
Mrs.Iida:What do you want?
Mina:Oh my God Iida I'm so proud-
Iida:It is not my fault I had watched the show and couldn't pronounce it!
Kami: ha sure we dude
The screen then showed a happy Iida walking out of a plushie store with a Sanic plush Iida's mom looking all types of confuse me following him out
Uraraka:Wait have I seen that before....wait do you still have it I'm sure I've seen it before!
The song People let me tell you bout my best friend played while a montage of Iida and His plush From him sleeping with it to him having Picnics going on runs As flowers Surrounded them
Everyone turned to Iida who was v
Bright read and burst out laughing
Sero l:wow man I did not expect that
Iida just got up and sulked in a corner
Mineta Sat in his room with kami
Uraraka Wait you've been in his room?
Kaminari:yeah? We hang out sometimes
Jirou: huh we never really saw what's in there Though we did skip it...
The room was a baby Purple with uh White accents like carpets and stuff I do I'm just the author- with Plushues all over
Momo:it's pretty nice actually..
Mineta then looked over at Kami
Mineta: Hey man what does y e s spell
Jirou:are you a pervert and dumb?
Tylie:* Aggressively coughs in Mineta's 5/5 intelligence*
Jirou:is she ok?
Deku:I think so
Jirou oh look he's not so dumb after all-
Some giggled
While Kaminari looked down Sginsou noticed this and gave Jirou a look Jirou noticed and instantly remembered Earlier
Jirou:Oh God Kami I'm so so so so sorry-
It didn't take long for others to catch on and start apologizing franticly
Kami:it's fine guys really..
Tylie:uh let's just continue watching...
Mineta:what does E-Y-E-S spell?
Everyone tried holding it I'm only barely succeeding. Heck even Shinsou was struggling
Then everyone heard a giggle
And looked around worried that Kami might be hurt by this that's when they turned to see Kami giggling evryone soon burst into laughter after him allowing tylie to continue the Clip
Mineta started laughing a bit
Mineta :what does E-Y-E-S spell?
Mineta started laughing again
Kaminari:what Is happening
Aoyama then walked in
Sato:wait what's Aoyama doing there?
Aoyama:I like Occasionally Going into mineta's Room because it's so soft 🎇🎇
Momo:don't ask.
Mineta:What does Y-E-S spell?
Mineta:what does E-Y-E-S spell?
Aoyama:Fell to the ground Sparkle
Boy startled Cackling tears started forming in both Mineta and Aoyama's Eyes
Kami:why are you crying for?!
Mineta:ok try again what does
What does Y-E-S spell
Mineta: Pfft I can't breath- ok try again
Tylie:Intense glaring
Both Student on-screen and in the audience were laughing
Mineta:Sat it again! What does E-Y-E-S spell.
Kami took a moment just looking at him as Mineta and Aoyama laughed
Deku:is he gonna?
They laughed again
Kami:your making me cry what is it?!
Mineta:burst out laughing while Aoyama rolled in the floor
Everyone was laughing the atmosphere was Light
Tylie:ok! Excuse while I take care of something..Tylie then walked off and Called Andy
Andy then appeared through the unzippered Well in background sander sides played
Even though Tylie would normally call Andy out when she isn't working she had bigger issues right now
Tylie: why'd you do that!
Andy:do what?
Tylie: the atmosphere thing!
Andy :I know you if you can you'd make this while thing with sad never changing or well resolving sad atmosphere situations you'd ignore it and play something funny! if I Didn't do anything but I didn't you did this all by yourself!
Andy":your going soft!! Even you couldn't handle not resoulving stuff so stop being a sourpuss alreadywill ya! I got Logicality to read!
Tylie:I- fine..

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