I rolled over the next morning, groaning. My body was sore and I wanted more sleep. "Good morning," Xander whispered huskily in my ear.

It made me shiver in delight. "Good morning," I said quietly, closing my eyes and cuddling back into his chest.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Sore," I laughed lightly.

"I'm sorry. But it will get better with time," he whispered. "We should probably get dressed before Thomas comes in." I laughed but agreed.

I threw on Xander's t-shirt from yesterday and a pair of panties and Xander threw on a pair of boxers and a white t-shirt.

We crawled back into bed, smiling at each other with goofy smiles on her face. I snuggled farther into him, enjoying the extra warmth he gave off.

I'm glad Xander made us get dressed, because with in the next couple of minutes, Thomas walked in quietly. Xander and I pretended to be asleep but I secretly watched, closing my eyes whenever he looked my way. He had grabbed a stool and was putting buckets of something on the bathroom door.

When he finished, he took a deep breath at his job well done and froze, looking towards the bed. I kept my eyes squinted open and watched as Thomas fell back on to the stool and crashing into the door, dirt and water raining on top of him.

"TESSA! AIDEN! ALI! AHHHHHHHH!" Thomas screamed, getting up staring at us in shock. Xander and I 'woke up' and glared at Thomas.

"Who pooped on you?" I laughed, yawning.

"The door," he said nervously, getting up and brushing himself off which proved to be no help at all. Tessa and Aiden ran into the room and looked at Thomas and laughed.

"What the hell happened to you," Aiden laughed.

Ali ran in, glaring daggers at Thomas. "Why the hell did you wake... WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!" Ali burst out laughing, tears already streaming down her face.

"Just smell," Thomas grumbled, but Xander and I both knew he wasn't really mad. The other three rolled their eyes and sniffed.

"You guys fully mated?" Ali asked. I buried my head in my mates chest and groaned, my cheeks flushing to a bright red.

"Yes," Xander replied, laughing at my embarrassment.

"Don't make a big deal out of it though," I said, my voice slightly muffled.

"Finee," Thomas whined. He ran out of the room and seconds later we heard, "XANDER AND TAYLOR SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" And so on. Xander laughed at Thomas' childish actions.

"Everyone out," Xander laughed, sitting up and getting out of bed. Ali grumbled a congratulations and she'll see us in a few hours, following Tessa and Aiden out of the room. "We still have to think about the war," he said once everyone was out.

"I know," I sighed, snuggling tightly into him. He was so warm and I knew once we got up I would be cold without his arms around me.

I looked up at Xander's face and he looked down at mine. We just kind of stared into each other's eyes, not moving or saying anything. It was like that romantic moment when the two characters realize how much they love each other, but I already loved him.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," Xander whispered back, a genuine smile playing on his face. I was one of the only people who had ever seen this smile. He was either full out laughing or he had that smirk on his face all the time.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed, burying my head in his chest, breathing in his smell. I closed my eyes and shivered a little bit when Xander started tracing patterns on my back.

"We still have that war, you know," He sighed, looking down and giving me a peck on the lips. I groaned at the thought before rolling out of bed and running into the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth before walking out in only a towel. Xander had fallen asleep again, and I couldn't help but notice how cute he looked. I quietly made my way to the closet and shut the door without it making a sound.

I picked out a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, and a light sky blue sweater. I put on some socks and white converse, walking back out to the bedroom. My mate was still sleeping peacefully, a frown on his face.

I quickly put my hair in a sock-bun styled bun without using a sock and went back out to the bedroom. I grabbed my phone and silenced the ringer before snapping a couple pictures of my adorable mate. Then I quietly ducked under the bed and found what I was looking for.




I blew as hard as I could into the bullhorn, right next to Xander's ear. I probably gave the whole pack a heart attack.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Xander yelled, smacking his head on the metal above him and groaning in pain as fell back into the bed, holding his forehead.

"Oops," I said sweetly before running out quickly and running into the woods, shifting into my wolf. Like many times before, I heard a thunderous growl and knew Xander was after me.

This is exactly why the pack thought we were doomed when we took over.We can't even focus on threats coming our way without pulling pranks.

Sorry it took so long to update! I had MAJOR writers block!!! Thanks to everyone who is reading this and is being patient with me!!!!

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