Two months later: Christmas eve

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Sorry if you don't like time jumps but we're jumping to Christmas eve

"LOVE COME IN HERE" I heard Logan yell from the living room. I was frantically trying to get ready to go over to Shay and Colette's for the annual Christmas festivities. Today, all the Butler family and their children and significant others will be at Shays house and I'm so excited because it's my first Christmas with the Butlers! The other reason I'm excited is because it's our 6 month anniversary today! my gift to him was that I made him a video telling him the top 6 reasons why I love him, that I planned to show him tonight. I finished doing loose curls in my long red hair and ran my fingers through it. I sprayed a little hair spray and ran into the living room. When I walked in, there was a huge poster board of pictures we had taken together, roses, and Logan. He was already dressed in a nice shirt and jeans.

"Happy 6 month anniversary baby" he said smiling his big cheesy smile. He stood with his arms open for a hug. I walked over and jumped into his arms and he held my legs around his waist like a child. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him.

"What in the world did I do to deserve you Logan Butler?" I asked

"Must have been something pretty great" he said and winked

"Hey!" I said playfully. He walked me back to the bathroom and set me down. He watched me as I put on the rest of my makeup and jewelry. I looked down at my outfit and decided it was too formal. I was wearing a really nice shirt and skirt. I went into the closet and changed to a champagne/pink sweater that showed a little cleavage but not too much, and a pair of nice skinny jeans.

"There" I said.

"Are you finally ready?" Logan said from the bed. He was sitting on his phone.

"Yes babe, are we taking my car or your truck?" I said as I fished around for my purse.

"Doesn't matter. If you don't want to drive in the snow then we can take my truck and I'll drive" he said.

"I really would love to not drive if that's okay" I said sweetly

"Anything for my princess on our anniversary" he said

"Aw you're gonna make me blush" I said, knowing I was reaching my own "disgusting couple" limit. (An: sorry I'm gross too much love)

Logan grabbed his keys from the counter and we left.

A short while later we arrived at the Butler house. We didn't even have to knock before all the kids rushed out to greet us. We didn't usually spend a lot of time with Brailee and Gage or Cooper, so it was nice to see them again. We went inside and were greeted by hugs and smiles from the rest of the family. I put my purse down on a barstool and went into the living room and sat down by Carlie, Colette and Daxton. He cooed and smiled when he saw me, and wiggled to get down. Colette let him and he walked (and stumbled and fell) over to me. I picked him up and gave him kisses all over his little face, he laughed. I set him down and he crawled off somewhere.

"So I hear it's your 6 month anniversary. It feels like so much longer!" Carlie said.

"I know! It's crazy! Did he tell you what he did for me today?" I asked her

"Yeah, I kinda influenced the idea. He mostly came up with it on his own though." She said.

"Well thank you for that! It was so sweet. I won't tell him I know. We can let him have this one." I said.

"He really did come up with most of it. He said he wanted to do something with pictures and I gave him the idea to organize them on a board for you." She told me. "So what did you get him?" I told her what I had done and she said that was adorable. We chatted for a little while longer, until Logan came up behind me and did the cover-your-eyes thing and said "Guess who"

"Hmmmm. Santa??" I said joking. He removed his hands and I leaned my head back and made the kissy face. He gave me a peck on the lips and jumped over the couch and sat down. He placed his arm around my shoulders and started watching whatever was on TV with us. Shay called from the kitchen saying that we could all come eat, and so we did. We weren't ones to reject good food.


Colette's family had left, all the kids were asleep downstairs, and it was just us adults left upstairs. I was surprised to see Steve here as well, seeing as the last I had heard, him and Carlie were broken up, but u guess they were back together.

We played games and talked for a few hours, and before we knew it, it was like 12:30 and we were all tired. Logan and I said our goodbyes and merry Christmas' and left. I fell asleep in the car ,and Logan carried me inside when we got home. I woke up on the bed about an hour later and changed into one of his shirts and no pants. I took off my makeup in the bathroom and went out to the living room and walked up behind Logan and kissed his cheek.

"Hey beautiful, you look so pretty without makeup and wearing my shirt" he said.

"You're too sweet to me I love you" I said.

"Not half as sweet as you. I love you too" he said.

"Hey! I didn't give your present to you yet!" I ran and grabbed my laptop and played the video. He responded by kissing me and grabbing my butt. I smiled and he kissed me again.

"Ok well I'm exhausted as you may have noticed so I'm going to bed, feel free to come with. I need a cuddle partner" I said

"Be in in a minute, I have a couple things to take care of for my channel." He said. I made a fake pout face and went into the bedroom to lay down. I tried to wait up for Logan, but I couldn't hold my eyes open any longer, and fell asleep in no time flat.

Wildest Dreamsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें