Already like a Butler

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At about 11 am Ali texted me saying the car came and asked if she could come hang with us all and everyone said absolutely. I told her and gave her the address. She had just gotten her license a few weeks before we left to come here but she's been driving with me for almost 2 years without mom and dad knowing, so I had no problem trusting her with a rental car. She called me about 15 minutes later for someone to let her in and she was knocking a few seconds later. "HI! It's nice to see you again!" Colette said to her when she walked in. I went and showed her around and we all sat in the living room once again. Logan and I sat on the floor, me in his lap. Ali sat on a kitchen chair that had been pulled in earlier when the girls put on a performance for me, and Shay and Colette sat on the couch together. Daxton was sitting on the floor gnawing on a chew thing for babies that had been in the freezer. Brock was playing with the rest of the kids in another room. Colette looked at me and Logan and said "Aww you guys are adorable! I really like you guys together, honestly." Logan looked down at me and grabbed my hand. "I like us too" he said simply. He fluffed my hair and kissed my forehead. I made a kissy face and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Oh my gosh I can't handle it, too much cute!" Colette said "Shay they remind me of us when we were young!" "Babe we're still pretty young!" Shay laughed. "Oh whatever" she said and he kissed her. "My wife is so hot. Keep it up Logan and you'll be able to say that" he said and winked. I looked over at Ali briefly. She looked enamored, like she saw it too. I could tell she saw the same thing that Logan and Shay had talked about. The thing they all saw (and me included) was the true love at first sight, and I'm pretty sure everyone else knew it even if they hadn't said it. We joked around and talked for a while until my phone started ringing. It was Dad. Shit. I didn't want him to know about me and Logan dating yet. I'd be okay telling Mom but dad will come fly here and kick his ass. I excused myself and answered the phone in the other room. "Hi daddy! Yeah, We're doing great! We met some of our favorite Youtubers and were at their house right now! Yeah it's safe. They're a married couple with kids it's fine. Yeah. Okay. Love you too. Bye daddy." Whew. Pretty quick and painless. I went back and sat in Logan's lap again. He placed a hand on my back and stroked it lightly, moving my hair a little with each movement. It made me feel warm and tingly inside. I laid back and let my body relax against his. I laid the back of my head on his chest and he kissed my nose. We watched Ali, Shay and Colette talk amongst themselves. We were in our own world. I tipped my head back and he looked down into my eyes. "Your eyes are beautiful princess. Your eyes are so green. I can't stop staring at them." He said. "Aww. Why do you have to be so sweet to me all the time! I can't be that sweet back to you!" I said to him. "You wouldn't have to say anything to be sweet to me" he said. We kissed for a second until Daxton crawled over and used my legs as support to stand up. I picked him up and laid back into Logan's lap and lifted Dax up and down to my face and each time he came back down I'd kiss him and he'd giggle. Logan watched me ,smiling like he envisioned me doing this with our future children. We did this for a minute until I realized that everyone was quiet and watching the three of us look like a new family. I looked up and noticed Shay was quietly vlogging us. "What?" I said like I didn't already know. "He likes you! It's like you're already a Butler." Colette said "yeah! You're already my sister!" Shay said. Logan looked at me and smiled. "Well maybe lets at least wait until we're back in Idaho" he said. I sighed overdramatically and said "fiiiine" and winked. They all laughed and eventually me and Ali decided to get going back to the hotel. I kissed Logan goodbye and hugged all the Butlers goodbye and we left at around 5.

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