chapter 6

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I gave him my number. I practically forced it upon him after our, uh, appointment, on Friday. I told him to call if he wanted to hook up again and now it’s Saturday night and I was really hoping he would have called to meet up, but he didn’t. I guess he actually had a life of his own, although I have no clue what he does with his time. And then there’s me who spent all day Saturday catching up on work and doing cross word puzzles.

It’s not that I had no life, because I mean I do have a couple of friends; Jaime and Tony, plus my brother Mike, but they’re usually out partying or having fun living life to the fullest, which is what I should be doing, but no. I guess I prefer quiet days and nights by myself. It doesn’t really help that I get anxiety in social situations. One on one I’m fine with, but going out to a club and actually socializing with strangers and pretending I’m having a good time when I’m not? No, that’s not my thing. That’s why I tend to keep it low key.

So I found myself sitting here on a Saturday night watching re-runs of The Simpsons and trying not to think of how pathetic my life really is. I was starting to fall asleep actually when I heard my phone ringing and I jolted up, practically jumping over to the coffee table and picking up my phone, clicking the answer button without looking at the caller ID.

“Hello?” I asked, probably a little too eagerly.

“Hey Vic! What are you up to tonight?” Jaime’s voice came through the phone. I sighed, slouching back down onto the couch.

“Oh, it’s you.” I said.

“Well gee, no need to sound so excited to hear from me.” He said.

“Oh, no, sorry. I was just- Never mind. What’s up?” I asked.

“Hamburgers!” He explained and everything clicked in my mind.

“You guys are high and have the munchies, don’t you?” I asked.

“You go it! And you’re probably sober as usual so…will you drive us?” He asked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

“Yeah, sure. Be there in a few.” I said and hung up on him. They did this a lot, well most weekends anyway. I usually expected a call that they needed to get driven somewhere because they were too high to drive themselves, or a call that they were too drunk to drive home. I guess I was like a designated driver. I guess you could say they use me, but I don’t see it like that. They’re friends.

It didn’t take me long to get to the house that Jaime, Tony and Mike shared together. I opted out of living in a share house with them because of all the parties they would throw. It just wasn’t the lifestyle that I wanted, but I didn’t judge them for it. I kind of envied them sometimes though.

When I got to their place the three of them practically barged out of the house to my car and got in, laughing like idiots. Jaime was at my side and Tony and Mike were in the back.

“Hey guys, having fun I see?” I asked them.

“You know it, big bro.” Mike said and hit me on the shoulder.

“You sure you don’t want to join in when we get back? We’ve got plenty of pot.” Jaime said. I shook my head as I drove on down the street.

“No, not tonight.” I told him.

I looked in the rear-view mirror to see what Tony was up to because he hadn’t said a word yet. He was looking at his hands in wonder and amazement as if they were the most unusual thing he had ever seen before.

“Okay, how much did he have?” I asked, nodding towards Tony.

“A lot.” Jaime said. “Now drive faster, I’m freaking starving.”

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