02 | Rosè

11 2 1

It was almost 11 PM and Haewon hasn't come back home. It was our 11th anniversary today. Yes, 11 years we have been together. Ever since middle school. They say that middle school relationships don't last, luckily ours did. Although lately, he has been a little distant. He's always coming home late, and even if he comes home a little early, he won't give me some sign of affection towards me. This has been happening for a couple of weeks now. I asked him about it but he just said it's because he's tired and he's working extra hard for a promotion.
I was about to text him when I got a text from my best friend, Sun-hi. I opened the text and read."
[Hey is your boyfriend usually at Song Cafe this late at night?]

[No. When it's this late at night its usually because he's at work]

[Are you sure cuz rn he's sitting with someone. A women....and he's holding her hand....]
I froze. He wouldn't cheat on me would he? I mean, we have been together for so long... I thought. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand to bring me out of my thoughts. I felt my heart shatter. It was a photo. I clicked on it and there he was. Sitting hand in hand with a women. Smiling and looking extremely happy. Not like how he was with me recently. I put my hand over my mouth, eyes started getting watery, and I was in shock. I felt betrayed, broken, used, angry, and disgusted. How could he do this to me? I thought we were so happy together. I thought. I broke down. My knees gave way and I was now sitting on the floor. I was crying so hard it felt like my tears were never going to stop.
After about 20 minutes, I finally stopped. All I felt was anger and hatred toward him. I got myself together, and stood up from the floor. I went to the bathroom to get a good look at myself. I was a mess. My curls were messy, mascara was running down my cheeks, and my dress was all ruffled. I put so much effort in for this day just for it to just crash and burn. Just for this relationship to crash and burn. I took a deep breath and splashed cold water on my face.
"Your gonna have to face him Rosè. Even though it's gonna hurt like hell, you still have to face him. You have to face the cheating scumbag he is." I said while looking on the mirror. I smoothed out my clothes and combed my hair. As I was walking out of the bathroom, I heard the door open indicating he was back from meeting with his mistress. I went to sit at the dining table waiting for him. He appeared out of the corner looking "tired" because "he had a lot of work to do".
I could feel my heart beating out of my chest and my eyes starting to get watery. But, I held them back.
"How long?" I said while looking at him dead in the eyes. He looked at me confused and bewildered as to why I was asking such a blunt question. Without even saying hello.
"W-what do you mean how long?" He said while rubbing his neck. "How long have you been cheating on me?" I said my voice cracking. I got up from chair, tears falling down again. "How long?!" I said jabbing my finger into his chest. I then started hitting him, with all my might, with all the energy I had left. I felt him hold my wrists trying to stop me from hitting him anymore. I looked up at him. He showed no emotion. Absolutely none. As if this was supposed to happen.
"A year.." He said coldly. I was angry now. Eleven years of a relationship down the drain. Just like that. The one person I gave my full heart to, threw it away just like that. "Why?!" I yelled. "Am I not good enough?!"
"It's not th-" He began but I interrupted. "Then why?!" I said while my tears were streaming down my face now. "Because I was bored of you. You weren't exciting anymore." He said looking to the side not being able to look me in the eyes. I stopped crying. I just stared at him in disbelief. A tense minute or so flew by when I finally said two words I never thought I would have to say to him.
"Get. Out"

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