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Story for Axel

Nezu - Nezu
All Might - Toshi
Shouta - Sleepyhead
Hizashi - Loud blond
Nemuri - Midnight
Recovery Girl - Mom
Gran Torino - Dad
Me - Admin
Slxt_Hero - Decky
OhScrewMeUp - Awwo
FroppyRIBBIT - Child
ratkasa_the_fith - Melting_Slurrp
YallMight666 - Depresso
-Beautifully_Blind- - Angsty

William Afton - Purple guy/Springtrap

Slurrp: I'm bored

Admin: SAME

Loud blond: HAHAHHAHA- me too

Sleepyhead: It's 1am what are you all doing up?

Admin: shhh go to sleep eraser

Sleepyhead: ... Tch

Depresso: *puts on "The man behind the man behind the man" song again*

Sleepyhead: do you ever get tired of that song?

Depresso: No

Loud blond: I dunno what I was thinkin'

Sleepyhead: Hizashi, you heard it didn't you?

Loud blond: Why, yes. Of course 😊😘

Sleepyhead: ....

Admin: So uhm... Remember that one time I called you both "Nintendo" and "Switch"? And then Awwo went to "Nintendo DS?" @Awwo @Depresso

Awwo: yep!

Depresso: Mhm!

Admin: what about that one-time that @Angsty was Shinsou, and arived at prom in a dress?

Awwo: Haha yeah

Angsty: I looked good tho

Depresso: Lol

Sleepyhead: what are you talking about?

Admin, ignoring aizawa: good times

Depresso: Yeah...

Decky: why do I not know of this?

Admin: uhm... I dunno

Decky: UwU

Depresso: but they were good times

Toshi: seriously thou, anyone wonder where Midnight is?

Admin: probably out busy

Angsty: ^ true, she probably is

Admin added Pika

Pika: HII

Admin: I only added you to say happy birthday (might be rn or Tommorow)

Admin kicked Pika

Awwo: o-o

Decky: Haha

Admin changed Angsty's name to "Claude the god"

Admin: Claude is the new god

Depresso: Yeah!!

Claude the god: I love the name!!

Decky: What I miss!??

Awwo: Fish, I take fish

Depresso: not my fishes!!

Admin: *eats fish*

Depresso: :0

Awwo: *gasp*

Depresso: not this fish!!

Admin: I has eat all da fish

Claude the god: Fish

Depresso: my fish

Cloud the god: well since I'm god, I'll give you all the fishes

Depresso: yay!!!

Admin: I EaTtTttTTt thEMmM

Purple guy: I need five kids, ASAP!

Admin: Ok!


Awwo: :0

Decky: Take Me!!

Depresso: The man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man behind the man-

Admin: ...

Purple guy: wowow

Awwo: Whahahahhahahahhahah

Sleepyhead: what the hecks happening??

Admin: weird stuff, while going to get slaughtered

Sleepyhead: ;0

Loud blond: ohh- why?

Admin: idk

Nezu is online

Nezu: get to work!

The gang uwu: we r students

Sleepyhead, Loud blond: Yes sir

Toshi: I'm hungry

Dad: I am lost

Mom: wow

Toshi: Hello sir

Dad: Who are you?

Toshi: Uh All Might?

Dad: All Bite?

Toshi: no all might!!!

Dad: ohh, All Fight, okkk

Toshi: sir you can read that!!

Dad: Spoogetie

Decky: wtf?

Admin: pfffft

Claude the god: hahaha!!

Awwo: ahh what nice people!


The end!

Or is it?

Awwo: where's Midnight tho?


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