91 4 26

Nezu - Nezu
All Might - Toshi
Shouta - Sleepyhead
Hizashi - Loud blond
Nemuri - Midnight
Recovery Girl - Mom
Gran Torino - Dad
Me - Admin
Slxt_Hero - Decky
OhScrewMeUp - Awwo
FroppyRIBBIT - Child
ratkasa_the_fith - Melting_Slurrp
YallMight666 - Depresso
-Beautifully_Blind- - Angsty

William Afton - Purple guy/Springtrap

Nezu has Created a chat and added. All Might, Sleepyhead, Loud blond, and three others.

Nezu has named the chat 1A

Nezu: hello Everyone, I've created this chat to talk about class A and how they're doing.

Sleepyhead: Well they're annoying like always

Toshi: Nah, I find them nIce and not annoying.

Sleepyhead: It's cause of Midoriya, isin't it?

Toshi: nahh.. perhaps

Sleepyhead: wow that's great... -w-

NeZu: uh.. I feel like this is a bad thing...

Sleepyhead: well this is boring, I'm leaving

Sleepyhead has left chat

Nezu: ...

Toshi: uhm.. I'm going back to work now
*Seen by five people*

Toshi: god damn it, are you all going to leave me on read?!"
*Seen by five people*

*Mom is typing..*

*Mom and Loud blond are typing...*

Loud blond: All Might has died

Mom: were here to celebrate

Toshi: IM NOT DEAD!!

Loud blond: Someone hear that?

Mom: uh.. nope

*Loud blond has added Sleepyhead*

Loud blond: Hey sho do you hear Screaming?

Sleepyhead: You mean the number one hero Crying cause he droped his burger, and you all Saying he's dead?

Loud blond: Yeah! Totally!

Mom: Ha! He's crying over a burger?!

Toshi: I Am Here!!

Sleepyhead kicked Toshi from chat

Sleepyhead: Alright I'm going take a nap now

Loud blond: Alright, sleep well!

Mom: Cheers

Admin, Awwo, and Decky have joined chat

Nezu: who are you?

Awwo: OwO

Admin: I am god

Awwo: No! I am!

Decky: Uh-

Awwo: I am god UwU

Admin: NUUU I AM!!!!!

Sleepyhead: what's going on?

Admin: HEY SHOUTA!!!

Sleepyhead: who ta faq are you???

Admin: ...

Awwo: that's god

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