A Load to Explode

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It was a quiet night, most everyone in the city was asleep, but one particular building was hosting a big costume party. Everyone was in costume, dancing, eating, drinking, and having a good time with everyone. One of the partygoers had made her way to a back room. She was quite a sight to behold, her large curves made any man do a double take, with melon sized breasts and a booty the size of a beanbag chair, she was almost irresistible. Combine that with her Jessica Rabbit dress and you got a true sight to behold.

She went to the back room to fix up her makeup, a bit of an odd thing considering she had a bomb for a head, but nonetheless she pulled out some lipstick and eyeliner from the large chasm that was her cleavage and got to work. She pursed out her lips and applied the lipstick, giggling "I look so gorgeous tonight! Pretty soon all the boys will be wanting a piece of me, and I'll be happy to provide.~"

"And I'll be happy to help in providing these 'pieces' for you my dear~" said a mysterious female voice from within the room.

The busty bomb turned around, dropping her makeup "What?? Who's there?!" She looked around frantically for anyone in the room.

"My dear Bombi, no need to be scared, this is all in good fun~" the voice said, growing louder as a figure walked up to her. The figure had a curvaceous body hidden underneath a tight green suit, her eyes obstructed by the green top hat she wore, her orang fox tail swaying behind her as she approached Bombi.

Bombi backed against the wall, staring at the green clad figure in front of her "Who the hell are you?!"

The figure laughed, putting a hand on her hip "In a leprechaun me lass, and I'm here to humble you!"

Bombi shook in fear "What do you mean??"

"Your boobs are big, your butt's not small, yet still you're in for quite a fall!" The vixen chuckled.

"You're scaring me!" Bombi cried out.

"Oh, well didn't you hear? Bigger is good, but jumbo is dear, I'll give you boobs that come out to here!" She snapped her fingers, pointing straight at Bombi's chest.

Bombi felt a sudden surge in her boobs, she quickly cupped them, only to feel them growing in her hands. She ran to the mirror and sure enough she wasn't imagining this, she was getting bigger and bigger "My babies! What're you doing to my babies?!"

Her breasts continued to grow from their already giant size, stretching her dress as they reached the size of beachballs, her straps digging into her swelling mounds.

The leprechaun vixen laughed at her "A delightful little slut, but what about your butt?" She snapped her fingers again, pointing to her rear.

Bombi's hands went right to her butt, her expression growing more grim as she felt her ass also swelling up, growing like an over inflated water balloon. She trailed over to her hips, feeling them expand and widen with the rest of her assets "Nooo! This dress was a rental! Make it stop before I rip it!" She cried out.

The leprechaun merely laughed at the ballooning girl in front of her "Those delightful lips, they'll get you some tips, but what about these, are they big enough to fit?~" With one last snap she aimed it right at Bombi's face.

Bombi gulped as she watched her shiny red lips puff out, growing bigger and shinier as they slowly covered her face "Sthop ith..! Pleath!" She could barely speak now that she had two footballs for lips.

If she wasn't big before, her new size definitely is. Her breasts and butt were the size of overfilled yoga balls, her dress hanging onto them for dear life as it slowly ripped, her lips covered her entire face, her whole body looked like a mass of party balloons. As she rubbed her hands across her body she could feel herself squeak, almost as if she was made of rubber. The pressure building up inside of her was growing too intense, her fuse suddenly igniting on her head.

This was a dead ringer that she needed to leave, she began running, which was more of a waddle, to the exit, squeaking and whimpering in fear as she tried to get out. Her breasts hit the doorway, they were way too big to get out, but she was desperate, she pushed and shoved with all her might to get out.

With enough pushing she managed to get her boobs through, her king sized mounds plopping onto the ground in front of her. Her butt was another problem though, as now she had to pull that through. Her fuse was already halfway gone, she knew she couldn't hold on for long, but the constant swelling wouldn't allow her to squeeze the rest of herself through.

Everyone at the party had their eyes set on the sight in front of them, two massive tits with a pair of giant red lips resting on top of them swelling right in front of them, some of them couldn't help but get a feel on them.

Bombi blushed a bright red, she didn't want others to be near her when she burst, but she had no way to tell them aside from her muffled moans.

Her fuse was growing short, her body could barely be seen beneath her overinflated assets, all she could hear were the murmurs of everyone watching her and the laughter of the leprechaun, who was patting her ass gently "You wanted to give everyone a piece of you, and now you will, hope you like rain!~" She laughed like a crazed villain before walking away.

Bombi closed her eyes, bracing for the explosion as her fuse burned our. But rather than a fiery explosion, she burst into a giant cloud of black and red rubbery confetti, covering everyone at the party.

The leprechaun had left the building by then, crossing Bombi off a long list of names "Another humble victim, now then, whos next...~"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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