Frank x Jake (Requested)

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There were rumors spreading around about a new killer coming into the realm today. Even though some were nervous, others were confident enough to bully the killer to their heart's content. Yet, as for Jake; he wasn't really all that interested in being too rude to the killer. It would anger them and give them more of a reason to bring a mori next game. As Jake sat up, he felt the familiar feel of the grass brush against his palm. He has always appreciated the feeling of grass, he was a woodsman himself after all.

Yet, knowing how things were in this realm, he wasn't allowed to appreciate all the things given to him any longer. The grass was just a simple creation by the monster that decides their fate. Letting out an exhausted sigh, Jake rubbed at his temples and finally got off the ground. He stretched, shoving his gloved hands into his pocket and finally walking away from his spot from the start of the trial. It made him happy to finally have some peace and quiet, away from all the survivors that pestered him nonstop on sabotaging hooks for their advantage.

Of course Jake didn't mind sabotaging, it helped him improve his skill and was a benefit for his whole team... but he wasn't interested in hearing them tell him what to do, he was a man of his own mind and choices. Upon entering the shack, Jake had started to walk more carefully and began to be cautious of his surroundings. The shack left a creaking sound behind at each step he took at the old wooden floor. He discovered there was a generator in the middle of the shack, an opening right at the left. Jake took that as a hint of the basement being there and he was right.

Once he walked further into the shack, he saw a staircase leading down to a red, dark abyss. Small, creepy sounds began to play as he stared longer into the basement. Shaking off the eerie feeling that built up in his chest, he had removed his hands away from his pockets and bent down to begin working on the lifeless generator. It has been a while since he has seen any of his fellow teammates, which began to eat at him.

Usually by now, he would have seen one of his teammates running into the shack with a killer tailing behind or to see if there was a chest around the area. After working on the generator for a couple of minutes,  the second pump began to come to life. Jake worked delicately as he made sure not to connect the wrong wires to each other and was positive the gears were turning the right way.

The floors creaked, signaling Jake that someone was here. Jake quickly stopped working on the generator and backed off, turning around to the source of the noise. He expected a silent killer, but all he was greeted with as a new face. Cocking his head to the side in confusion, Jake watched the hooded man stare back at him with a small slouched composure. His stare seemed intense and was certainly filled with some sort of bloodlust, but Jake had made an assumption that he was a new survivor to the realm.

He found no sort of weapon in his hand, so he must be uneasy? Shrugging off his theory, Jake relaxed himself slightly and looked at the male. "I assume you are new?.." Jake asked, looking at the hooded male. The new survivor didn't respond to him as he looked at him. Jake has also noted he wasn't much of a responder when the male raised his bandaged hands.

'I don't know what happened. All I remember is just waking up in a patch of dirt and here I am.' The male signed at Jake. Jake nodded his head, as he made a mental note of the man communicating with him in sign language. Man, was he glad his parents made him take Sign Language as his side study.

"Have you ran into anyone else so far here?" Jake asked the man, not sure if he would understand a thing he was saying. A couple of minutes passed and Jake started to raise his hand before the male started to sign at him once again.

'I actually have ran to a couple of people, but they were being butchered by this sort of masked killer..' The male held fright in his eyes, looking off at the window of the shack. His eyes averted to the staircase and he had made a mental note of it. Looking back at Jake again, he decided it was best to tell him his name for the time being. 'My name is Frank Morrison, feel free to call me Frank... What is your name?' The man now known as Frank, asked Jake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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