7- I have failed you

Start from the beginning

"You're late, Miss Myzell," he told her and she stared at him unemotionally. He voice was flat, with no sign or hint of any kind of feeling, "My goldfish died," Taylor's eyebrows raised at the tone of voice. The girl seemed to not care one bit. Cory turned to his students, gesturing a hand towards the girl at the door, "You see? This is what I'm talking about. Miss Myzell has clearly suffered a tragic loss. Yet, she does not seem in touch with her actual emotions!" Taylor nodded along at the explanation, agreeing with every word.

She wasn't on her phone often, preferring to read or sit and draw or throw a tennis ball or bouncy ball around. She wasn't truly one who was into social media or texting all night long. She valued her time and sleep and believed it was wasted by trying to be like everyone else in society.

"Excuse me? I am crying my eyes out. I'm gonna have to leave class early," the girl at the door said before turning and walking out the room, slamming the door behind her. Cory looked at the empty space in a mixture of happiness and shock, "Oh, she actually made it out the door this time," Myzell appears in the doorway, a smile on her face as she looked to her teacher, "I actually made it out the door this time!"

"Nice one," Taylor high-fived the girl as she passed, proud of the happy girl. She sent a small smile to Maya who nodded to behind Tay. The brunette turned, curious, to see Lucas sitting there staring at her, a light blush on his cheeks. She spun round with a pink now dusting her cheeks.

"Dad, adjust and deal. Cell phones have been around for, like, ever," Riley cut in and Cory turned to her with a surprised look. Taylor copies her father, a hint of a smile on her lips. "It'll amaze you to know that there was a whole world before you and cell phones," Taylor looked to her dad with a questioning gaze. "Can we go back to that world? It's sounds fun," he smiled at her and ruffled her hair as Riley rolled her eyes.

"And it'll amaze you to know that I have 394 friends in here," she tapped her phone screen as Taylor looked to her. "And I'm amazed that you believe that," Cory smiled at his daughter before walking over to the chalkboard and drawing a line across it. "This is a timeline of all human existence. Starting here," he points at the start of the timeline, "is everyone who ever lived, laughed, loved, and understood the value of life. The cellphone era, which begins right around here," he draws a line almost at the end of the timeline, "pretty much destroys all of that. Way to go, you," Taylor laughed at her father as everyone seemed to stare at him weirdly.

"Sir, if I may take a different position?" Taylor turned round face Lucas, giving him a smile that was cut short by her father turning her head to face the front. "Yeah, save me, Mr. Friar. Do I go too far?" He asked as Taylor glared at him. He smiled at her innocently to which she crossed her arms at. "Always, sir," Taylor snorted at the sentence, muttering an "After all this time? Always," under her breath as Lucas continued.

"I understand your point, but I use my phone to video chat my old friends and to find out what's going on in Texas," he explained and Taylor nodded at his reasoning, understanding his point of view. Maya, as usual, saw an open opportunity to tease the boy. "Yeah. How else can he keep tabs on all the hoedowns and cattle pageants?"

Riley, always the kind soul, scolded the blonde, "Maya!" Lucas quickly cut in with a smirk on his face that made Taylor blush and smile. "It's okay, Riley. I'm unaffected by Maya's views of country life. As my Uncle Buster always says, 'Be like an eagle and soar above the mockingbird.'"

Taylor bit her lip before leaning toward Maya with her own little smirk. "You're the mockingbird," she taunted making the blonde who only responded with a small "I know," before turning to Lucas, "It kills me that I can't get to you," Taylor changed her smirk to a grin as Lucas answered, "Sorry, ma'am," whilst tipping an imaginary hat.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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