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Rishabh Mittal, a surgeon, and his wife, Priya, a gynecologist by profession, were planning to move from Delhi with their families upon transfer to Life Line Hospital, Mumbai. Even though he was the chief doctor of his hospital and made a good living, he could deny the transfer because of his wife's pregnancy, but the opportunity was hard to miss. They already got beautiful kids, a four-year-old boy and a girl of three.

He expected to hear from the Aggarwal couple; Ritesh and Eshita, their university buddies, if they succeeded in getting a three-bedroom apartment for them, as his arrival was approaching and he needs to move.

To their luck, their friends managed to get a three-bedroom apartment at their apartment.

Ritesh, a physician, and Eshita, a medical specialist, had old and close ties with Rishabh and Priya. They had a lovely daughter, Manyata, who was about four.

The day Rishabh and Priya shifted to Mumbai, they spent the day remembering their old days and teasing each other. Rishabh and Ritesh were friendship goals back when they were in university. Right from helping in proposing to the girls, pranking and ragging Freshers. But the day Priya and Eshita joined their college interns; all their teasing ideas evaporated and what was left was the increased heart rate.

"Rishu, it seems like I'm seeing you after ages!" Ritesh smiled, reliving old memories.

"Well, I still miss those days." Rishabh got emotional.

"These were the best days, man, now with more and more family pressure, responsibilities, and work I think I'll be bald in the next 5 years." Rishabh laughs while holding his belly to Ritesh's remark.

"Don't laugh, like a Moonie. I'll go bald after five years, but you're already bald." Ritesh was joking, when the ladies came into the room with tea and snacks, watched their husbands pull their legs, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Ah! Priya, I missed your tea. To this day, Eshita is not able to brew tea like yours. I wish I could kiss these hands that make so delicious tea." Ritesh teased while inhaling flavored tea.

"She is no longer your fellow student. She is Mrs. Priya Rishabh Mittal now. Please keep that in your useless mind." Rishabh informs his friend and holds the shoulder of his wife.

The third rest burst with laughter at Rishbah's possessiveness over Priya even after five years of marriage. The tea was about to spill on Ritesh's hand, he scowled and reminded his friend, "Of course, I know that very well. If it weren't for me, you'd never be able to convince her parents, you wanker."

I also played an important role, Ritesh, you can't take credit alone. If it wasn't for me, she couldn't have been in court that day. I, too, have witnessed and aided and abetted crimes aimed at bringing them together." Eshita joined the jest

"Oh! Guys, thank you so much. But no thanks, I would have convinced them later to get us married." Rishabh scoffed and planted a kiss on his wife's hands.

"You thankless fellow, Let me tell her all your previous affairs," Rishabh smirked, which left Priya's mouth hung open.

"Really, You cheat; I always knew you didn't love me. How many girlfriends have you got? " She started a set of questions, giving the other reasons to laugh louder.

"Got happy after making my wife cry?" Rishabh castigated Ritesh.

"Priya, I was kidding'." Ritesh held his ears and apologized.

"I know, it's just the pregnancy hormones," She tried to smile, wiping her tears, but Rishabh didn't let it go, "Now pregnancy hormones! How easily you said I don't love. Even after coming home every night, making love, sharing the responsibilities of the kids, you still think I'm not sincere with you." Rishabh joked with her.

"Hey! You said you do during the day too." Ritesh interrupted, leaving Mittal couple baffled. Priya gave Rishabh a sharp look while he feigned innocence and asked Ritesh, "What?"

"You said you also take trip, in day, I should learn from you; and please proceed with your arguments only after you have locked your bedroom doors." Ritesh winked, pointed towards the door.

"Hang on, why don't you join us for dinner tonight?" Eshita asked to be a good host, but Priya politely denied it, "Thank you dearly, but please next time. The kids were asleep, so we left them with his parents."

Ritesh nodded on hearing, "It would be good if you had brought them. Kids are the same age. Manyata will enjoy the company of new friends. She feels lonely all day, until she visits the park with her grandmother.

Priya nodded, in agreement, "Yes, please bring her tomorrow to our apartment. Abhiyaan and Anvi will love having a company and will not feel alone in the new place."

"Your child feels lone, Ritesh, why don't, you can help your daughter." Rishabh took the opportunity to jest.

Priya laughed, "Yes, get her a sibling soon, Eshi, she is already 4 now."

"Look who is advising, a gynecologist who is already having two kids with the third in a row. Guys, you have no shame. At least you should have taken precaution." Eshita shook her head at her friends' advice.

"Hey, younger one's popping out was a surprise. She wasn't monitoring her period, it was my fault? " Rishabh sneered, Ritesh laughed at Priya's embarrassment as they continued to make fun of Mittal Couple.

Their derisive ended with the cheerfulness of Ritesh on the top comment, "Yeah! Priya, knowing my best friend well, I suggest you choose contraception after delivery. You are warned; his honeymoon is never ending."

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