6: I'm so sorry... but I can't shift

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Here is Donovan and his wolf (you meet him this chapter)

Once again I want to reiterate that this is not exactly how I picture the character but has the most similar features that I may describe, may not.



How is that possible?

Where was the alluring scent? Where were the shivers? Where was Mishka's overwhelming sense of calmness? I think the both us were more tense then we've been in a long time, and that's saying something.

I tried to communicate with Mishka, but she was just as confused as I was, frozen and staring at her mate. I could feel her straining to feel the connection that our mother had spoken so fondly of, but it only made her more anxious.

She had been stripped of so many things from the moment of her first shift, but denying her the feeling of her mate bond is one cruel step too far.

'Mickey. I'm trying so hard but I just can't feel it. I don't feel calm, I don't feel shivers, I don't even feel the need to be any closer to him than the need to be near their Beta.' her voice was becoming more strained with each word as she tried to latch on to any connection.

'It's okay Mishka. Just calm down. Maybe you're not able to feel the bond yet because you haven't had the same upbringing as other wolves and things are different. Maybe, because of how we were treated back at our pack, you are on edge about protecting yourself, so the moon Goddess has ensured that Donovan feels the bond first to prove himself to us.'. I kept thinking of more excuses in an attempt to try and calm her down.

I'm not sure if she believed me. I hardly believed myself, but something I said must of helped as her heart rate slowly dropped back to normal.

Sometime while I was panicking, Donovan had worked his way over to me and was now only standing a metre or so away.

Glancing up to meet his gaze, his pale hazel eyes sparkling as they locked onto mine. His eyes slowly scan down my body before raising back up to meet mine again, a relaxed smile of his face.

The entire room is silent as we continue to stand across from one another. Donovan slightly moves his gaze to my right hand, as he lifts his up to push his hair back more.

Another coy smile appears on his face as he lowers his hand back down to grab onto mine. His eyes widen slightly, focusing on our joined hands, before the relaxed smile works it's way back onto his face. He gently caressed his thumb over the back of my hand, and Mishka's heart broke again.

'Where is that spark like feeling that mum described. Where's the need to stay near him, or the feeling of completion. This isn't fair. Haven't we had enough thrown at us without having to put our mate through a one sided connection.' I could hear her whimpering as she realised that she couldn't feel the same attraction that our mate obviously did.

My eyes drifted back up to his before a loud squeal interrupted our intimate gaze.

"OH MY GODDESS. So it's true? Our little miracle wolf has found his mate, finally. A union of a wolf of the purest ivory to one of obsidian twilight" Luna Neia recited, her arm gripping onto her mate tighter as she flicked her eyes between us again. An excitable, anticipatory grin spread across her whole face as she looked up at Alpha Devon before switching back to us again.

I risked a glace at Alpha Devon to see him usher every other wolf out of the room so that only 'the new mated pair and their parents' were present. After ensuring that the door closed fully, his head swung back around to us with a proud smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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